
Day One on the Mac App Store

評分 4.9 (42,866) · 免費 · 生活品味 Day One has reinvented journaling letting you record your life as you live it. Securely save audio, video, photos, notes, and more in the world's most trusted ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Day One」

評分 4.8 (811) · 免費 Apple 年度最佳應用程式Day One,全球下載次數超過1,500 萬次,獲得200,000 次5 星評價,徹底改變了寫日記的方式,讓你記錄生活中的點點滴滴。 在全球最值得信賴的數位日記中 ...

Day One version 3 for macOS

Day One Mac has been redesigned to feel more at home on macOS. With a great improvement in performance and long term maintainability.

Day-O for Mac

評分 4.0 (1) · 免費 · Mac OS · Day-O is a simple menu bar clock replacement with a simple calendar for your Mac. It's free, as-is (which means I'm not providing support, ...

【獨立開發】4個免費Mac App 提升工作效率

在用Itsycal 之前,我是用Day-0 代替在Menu Bar 上預設日期和時間,按下時間時可以彈出一個迷你的日曆。Itsycal 功能上較優,支援macOS 本來的Calendar,基本上就是 ...


Description. Day-O is a simple menu bar clock replacement with a simple calendar for your Mac. Similar apps.

Download Day-O for Mac

評分 4.2 (23) Day-O is a simple menu bar clock replacement with a simple calendar for your Mac. What's new in version 3.0.1. Version 3.0.1: ...


MAC《Day-O》讓MAC也能在工作列隨時切換月曆 · 當啟用完畢後,在工作列就會看到月曆的圖示,但狀態列就只能選用白色的,否則會不到,同時當啟用了DAY-O後,記得 ...

【Mac 小技巧】讓OSX 像Windows 一樣在工作列上顯示月曆!

這個名為Day O 的應用程式,免安裝,只需要,到時進入系統偏好設定中的日期與時間設定,反勾選「在選單列中顯示日期和時間」,就可以把右上角時間列變成Day 0 ...

Day-0 Replacement : rmacapps

Does anyone know of a good Day-0 Replacement? I used to use it to customise the date and time on the menu bar (as well as it offering a convenient way to get ...


評分4.9(42,866)·免費·生活品味DayOnehasreinventedjournalinglettingyourecordyourlifeasyouliveit.Securelysaveaudio,video,photos,notes,andmoreintheworld'smosttrusted ...,評分4.8(811)·免費Apple年度最佳應用程式DayOne,全球下載次數超過1,500萬次,獲得200,000次5星評價,徹底改變了寫日記的方式,讓你記錄生活中的點點滴滴。在全球最值得信賴的數位日記中 ...,DayOneMachasbeenredesignedtofeelmoreathomeonmacOS.Wi...