How to install deluge and recommended settings

LearntoconfigurethedelugeactionsthatyoudefineintheOnsuccesseventwhichwillbeexecutedwhenanewrecordissuccessfullysubmittedorwhenan ...,2023年11月10日—DelugecanbeconfiguredthroughanyoftheclientsaswellasbysimplyeditingtheJSON-formattedconfigurationfi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Configure deluge script on success action

Learn to configure the deluge actions that you define in the On success event which will be executed when a new record is successfully submitted or when an ...


2023年11月10日 — Deluge can be configured through any of the clients as well as by simply editing the JSON-formatted configuration files located in $HOME/.config ...

Deluge additional setting options · Issue #9364

2023年11月3日 — Deluge supports download locations and move-on complete locations, as well as automanage settings. it would be nice if this could be utilized to ...

Deluge Official Manual

be set to match your device and allow a higher quality recording of Deluge. · SETTING DELUGE USER INTERFACE REFRESH RATE. 1. Press & hold [CLIP] + turn ...

How to create systemd services for Linux

This guide walks you through setting up Deluge systemd services on Linux. Ensure Deluge daemon deluged and Web UI deluge-web are installed. Use which to ...

Setting up Deluge server in headless mode

2023年5月3日 — After MUCH research and beating my head against the wall, here is how you get Deluge (server) working in headless mode, and then accessible ...

The Definitive Guide to Deluge (2024 Update)

2020年2月6日 — This is the definitive Deluge Guide for 2024. Here you will learn how to use the Deluge torrent client like a real pro, from setup to usage.


2021年9月19日 — Guides for installing Deluge: FreeBSD · Linux ... Installation on a server (to run Deluge daemon in the background) setting up a service is useful ...


LearntoconfigurethedelugeactionsthatyoudefineintheOnsuccesseventwhichwillbeexecutedwhenanewrecordissuccessfullysubmittedorwhenan ...,2023年11月10日—DelugecanbeconfiguredthroughanyoftheclientsaswellasbysimplyeditingtheJSON-formattedconfigurationfileslocatedin$HOME/.config ...,2023年11月3日—Delugesupportsdownloadlocationsandmove-oncompletelocations,aswellasautomanagesettings.itwouldbeniceifthisc...