How to setup Deluge Thinclient and Server on Windows OS



Deluge Web UI — Deluge 2.0.5 documentation

Deluge Web UI¶. The Deluge web interface is a full featured interface built using the ExtJS framework, running on top of a Twisted web server.

Deluge Web UI — Deluge 2.1.1.dev99 documentation

Deluge Web UI . The Deluge web interface is a full featured interface built using the ExtJS framework, running on top of a Twisted web server.

How to Access Deluge WebUI Default Password

If you have installed one of our templates with Deluge pre-configured, you can access the Deluge WebUI at http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8112 with the default password ...

Not working in Windows 10Web

2017年6月6日 — Hi @vakulenchuk, have you tried restarting Deluge after installing the plugin? Also, can you please save a debug log in order to reveal more ...

Remotely connect to deluged on windows and linux

2021年3月2日 — In order to access your deluge remotely, you need to activate the function in your daemon configuration: Log into the WEBUI from the button on ...

The Definitive Guide to Deluge (2024 Update)

2020年2月6日 — Deluge is a fully-featured cross-platform BitTorrent client that works on Linux, Windows, macOS, BSD Unix, and more. It is open-source, 100% ...

Unable To Connect To Deluge Web UI · Issue #5096

2021年12月18日 — Hi I am unable to connect to Deluge Web UI in Deluge 1.3.15 Windows Client. But I can connect to the Deluge Web UI on Andriod through an app ...

WebUI help

2018年7月1日 — I'm trying to move from utorrent and struggling with the WebUI. Obviously utorrent just requires a username and password and it's easy. I have a ...

webui on windows?

2008年11月3日 — When I try to start the WebUI from the start menu shortcut, a command prompt window flashes onto the screen for an instant, then disappears. ... I ...


DelugeWebUI¶.TheDelugewebinterfaceisafullfeaturedinterfacebuiltusingtheExtJSframework,runningontopofaTwistedwebserver.,DelugeWebUI.TheDelugewebinterfaceisafullfeaturedinterfacebuiltusingtheExtJSframework,runningontopofaTwistedwebserver.,IfyouhaveinstalledoneofourtemplateswithDelugepre-configured,youcanaccesstheDelugeWebUIathttp://xx.xx.xx.xx:8112withthedefaultpassword ...,2017年6月6日—Hi@vakul...