How to Add a Clock Widget in Windows 11 Windows 10

Ijustwanttohaveaclockgadgetonmydesktopandnotallthisstuffthatcomeswith8GadgetPack.Istheresomelightversion?Sorry,theinstallersystem ...,ClockGadgets.BepunctualwithWindows7clockgadgets.Convenientstopwatches,alarmclocksandcountdownclocksareavailablef...。參考影片的文章的如下:



I just want to have a clock gadget on my desktop and not all this stuff that comes with 8GadgetPack. Is there some light version? Sorry, the installer system ...

Clock Gadgets

Clock Gadgets. Be punctual with Windows 7 clock gadgets. Convenient stopwatches, alarm clocks and countdown clocks are available for everyone.

Clock Widget Windows

2024年1月17日 — Desktop Clock Widget is a tool that displays digital time on your Windows screen exactly the way you want. Released in 2023, this latest ...

Desk Clock - Desktop Clock Widget

2024年1月22日 — Elevate your desktop experience with Desk Clock, a stylish and functional desktop clock widget designed to enhance your workspace.

Desktop Clock

2024年3月4日 — A resizable, customizable clock for your desktop! SEE THE NEW DESKTOP CLOCK, an installable website and web app with even more features and ...

Desktop Clock Widget'

2023年5月30日 — Desktop Clock Widget is a simple and stylish digital clock widget that appears on your home screen exactly the way you want it.

Digital clock widget used on my desktop

I like to have a large digital clock on my Windows desktop. However, I am unable to run any kind of widget (Windows 8 Gadgets, Rainmeter, etc.) ...


Ijustwanttohaveaclockgadgetonmydesktopandnotallthisstuffthatcomeswith8GadgetPack.Istheresomelightversion?Sorry,theinstallersystem ...,ClockGadgets.BepunctualwithWindows7clockgadgets.Convenientstopwatches,alarmclocksandcountdownclocksareavailableforeveryone.,2024年1月17日—DesktopClockWidgetisatoolthatdisplaysdigitaltimeonyourWindowsscreenexactlythewayyouwant.Releasedin2023,thislatest ...,2024年...