
Thewaytodoitasoftodayistousea3rdpartyutilityandthereareseveralfreeones.Checkthese:DesktopOK-Free-Saveandrestorethepositionsof ...,4天前·DesktopOKisasmallandusefulutilitywhichcansaveandrestorethelocationofallofyourdesktopicons.Includedwiththeappli...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How do I save and restore my desktop icon positions in Windows 10?

The way to do it as of today is to use a 3rd party utility and there are several free ones. Check these : DesktopOK - Free - Save and restore the positions of ...


4 天前 · DesktopOK is a small and useful utility which can save and restore the location of all of your desktop icons. Included with the application are ...

DesktopOK - save and restore your desktop icons

DesktopOK solves this problem by allowing you to save your desktop layout and restore it with the click of a button.

DesktopOK 11.57 Save and restore the desktop icon positions.

Save and restore the positions of the Windows Desktop Icons. a small effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution!

Where does the program DesktopOK save the filedata when you do ...

Find the DesktopOK save the file/data location when you do a Save in standard ICON LAYOUT save (List View)! ...

How can i save and load the desktop icon's position from a file?

It is easy to save and load the desktop icon's position from a file, and it does not matter whether it is Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ... or MS Server OS!

DesktopOK Download Free - 11.57

評分 3.9 (33) · 免費 · Windows · Download DesktopOK - Save and restore the positions of icons. DesktopOK also offers as a small but effective solution for user that have to ...

Backup & Restore Your Desktop Icon Layout as Needed ...

James The Stoic •1.5M views · 4:34. Go to channel · Desktop-OK: save your desktop icons. Wüsstes du wie man...?•65 views · 31:41. Go to channel ...

DesktopOK Tutorial

2:52 Go to channel How to Backup, Save and Restore Different Desktop Icons Layout in any Windows computer ?


Thewaytodoitasoftodayistousea3rdpartyutilityandthereareseveralfreeones.Checkthese:DesktopOK-Free-Saveandrestorethepositionsof ...,4天前·DesktopOKisasmallandusefulutilitywhichcansaveandrestorethelocationofallofyourdesktopicons.Includedwiththeapplicationare ...,DesktopOKsolvesthisproblembyallowingyoutosaveyourdesktoplayoutandrestoreitwiththeclickofabutton.,SaveandrestorethepositionsoftheWindowsD...

DesktopOK 11.49 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂

DesktopOK 11.49 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂
