Como utilizar o Google Earth Desktop off

需要macOS10.14或以上版本。語言.英文.年齡分級:4+.Copyright:©1992-2021,Xeric ...,評分2.8(8)EarthDeskreplacesyourMacintoshdesktoppicturewithacrisp,real-timedynamicimageofourplanet,continuouslyupdatinginthebackgroundwhileyouwork.,DesktopEarthisavaila...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在Mac App Store 上的「EarthDesk」

需要macOS 10.14 或以上版本。 語言. 英文. 年齡分級: 4+. Copyright: © 1992-2021, Xeric ...

EarthDesk on the Mac App Store

評分 2.8 (8) EarthDesk replaces your Macintosh desktop picture with a crisp, real-time dynamic image of our planet, continuously updating in the background while you work.

Download DesktopEarth Free

DesktopEarth is available for Windows and Android (there was a Mac version as well, but it's no longer available on the App Store). Installing DesktopEarth on a ...

DesktopEarth 3.2 Download (Free)

DesktopEarth version 3.2 (DesktopEarth.exe). Desktop Earth is a wallpaper generator that creates desktop Earth representation backgrounds.

EarthDesk for Mac

評分 7/10 (34) · 免費 · Mac OS EarthDesk is an interesting desktop background for geographers, those keen on keeping an eye on weather movements in real time.


《地球桌面》官方版是一款特别的桌面系统,可以在桌面上就观看昼夜的变化,还拥有其他星球的视角,在4K屏幕上也非常的高清,感兴趣的话就来下载吧。软件简介《地球桌面》 ...

Download free DesktopEarth for macOS

The latest version of DesktopEarth is 3.2 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for Wallpapers in the Theming category.


DesktopEarth 是一款使用「实时地球卫星照片」作为桌面壁纸的应用,其照片基于NASA 卫星照片及城市灯光照片,另外,支持多显示器,还有火星视角。@Appinn.

DesktopEarth 3 從工作桌面打開宇宙之窗眺望地球變化

「 DesktopEarth 3.0 」支援Windows 8、 7 系統,並且開發者還預告即將推出Mac 桌面版,以及Android 手機版。 新版「 DesktopEarth 3.0 」不僅有原本的地球 ...


Real time data on your Mac or Windows desktop or Apple TV. EarthDesk converts your desktop into a beautiful, real-time image of the Earth from space, ...


需要macOS10.14或以上版本。語言.英文.年齡分級:4+.Copyright:©1992-2021,Xeric ...,評分2.8(8)EarthDeskreplacesyourMacintoshdesktoppicturewithacrisp,real-timedynamicimageofourplanet,continuouslyupdatinginthebackgroundwhileyouwork.,DesktopEarthisavailableforWindowsandAndroid(therewasaMacversionaswell,butit'snolongeravailableontheAppStore).InstallingDesktopEarthona ...,DesktopEarthversion3.2(DesktopE...