
Detention center

A detention center, or detention centre, is any location used for detention. Specifically, it can mean: A jail or prison, a facility in which inmates are ...

Detention Center

The mission of the Pueblo County Detention Facility is to provide community safety through a secure, constitutional detention facility.

Detention on Steam

Detention is an atmospheric horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and ...


2017年1月12日 — I am creating a horror game where you play as a Toddler and you have to maintain and customize your Tricycle while exploring your little world!

Juvenile Temporary Detention Center

The Juvenile Temporary Detention Center provides temporary secure housing for youth from the age of 10 through 16 years, who are awaiting adjudication of ...


2014年12月18日 — 2. 貨櫃滯留(Detention) 計算基準日由領櫃隔日起算至還櫃日,不包括例假日及週六日。 3. 貨櫃延滯/ 滯留費徵收規則按日曆天計費,除美國, 加拿大溫控櫃外 ...

返校Detention 實境體驗展 - udn售票網

... Mall, 823紀念公園, ATT SHOW BOX, Corner House角落文創展演空間, CS市民空間, ENGAGE ... ➤【返校Detention實境體驗展】其內容還原自恐怖冒險遊戲─《返校Detention》 ...


Adetentioncenter,ordetentioncentre,isanylocationusedfordetention.Specifically,itcanmean:Ajailorprison,afacilityinwhichinmatesare ...,ThemissionofthePuebloCountyDetentionFacilityistoprovidecommunitysafetythroughasecure,constitutionaldetentionfacility.,Detentionisanatmospherichorrorgamesetin1960sTaiwanundermartiallaw.IncorporatedreligiouselementsbasedinTaiwanese/Chinesecultureand ...,2017年1月12...