Setting up D-Link DIR

ThebestwaytoseewhatIPaddresshasbeenassignedtotheDIR-605ListoactuallylogintothePrimaryRouterandviewitsstatuspage.,ThebestwaytodothisistouseonerouterasaSwitchandWirelessAccessPoint.ConnecttheroutersLAN-porttoLAN-port(donotusetheSecondaryrouter's .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


DIR-605L access point problem

The best way to see what IP address has been assigned to the DIR-605L is to actually log in to the Primary Router and view its status page.

Wireless Access Point using 2 DIR-605L routers.

The best way to do this is to use one router as a Switch and Wireless Access Point. Connect the routers LAN-port to LAN-port (do not use the Secondary router's ...

Connecting D-Link (model

You only need to configure the D-Link router by enabling WDS bridging function or switching the operation mode to the repeater mode. You can ...

How to change a D-Link router to AP mode

1. Connect a computer to the D-link router and launch a web browser. · 2. Visit the following router configuration page: · 3. You are prompted ...

DIR-605L - D

當您將設備設定為無線基地台(Access Point)模式,產品後方五個埠都可以當成Lan來使用,DIR-605L此時會關閉NAT功能,變成一台AP+Switch hub功能。 電腦設定成使用下列IP.

IP - 分享器 - D

若您目前已有IP分享器,又增購一台DIR-605,欲串接同時使用時,須修改設定為純無線基地台(AP mode)+switch模式使用來讓網路環境單純化。 網路架構如下:.

D-Link DIR-605L Setup and Repeater Mode Q&A

Under Router Settings, enter an available IP address and the subnet mask of your network. Click Save Settings to save your settings. Use this ...

[求助]中華DSL-6641K與D-link DIR-605L WDS設定

... DIR-605L(以下簡稱605L)可以做WDS連接,二話不說的就買下去了,目前將605L安裝在2樓,有先把605L ... WDS+AP Mode要加對方Client的MAC 也就是605L裡面要輸入的 ...

D-Link DIR-605L mydlink雲路由無線寬頻路由器實戰演練

AP Mode--這台AP不指派IP給連上裝置,單純只是把連上裝置的封包往上丟給這台AP的前面裝置,所以當你選擇AP Mode的時候,就無法設定網際網路連線,因為這個AP ...

How to use a d

Can someone help me setup this dlink router as wireless access point to my home network with access to the lan and internet?


ThebestwaytoseewhatIPaddresshasbeenassignedtotheDIR-605ListoactuallylogintothePrimaryRouterandviewitsstatuspage.,ThebestwaytodothisistouseonerouterasaSwitchandWirelessAccessPoint.ConnecttheroutersLAN-porttoLAN-port(donotusetheSecondaryrouter's ...,YouonlyneedtoconfiguretheD-LinkrouterbyenablingWDSbridgingfunctionorswitchingtheoperationmodetotherepeatermode.Youcan ...,1.ConnectacomputertotheD-l...