

First thing I would try is to install the DirectX 9 redistributable. It contains prerequisites that aren't in the base install of Windows. Download DirectX End- ...

Direct3D 9 Ex (Optimized Renderer)

A mod that replaces Sonic Generations' bloated Direct3D 9 wrapper with a light-weight one that uses Direct3D 9 Ex. It's normal if it makes no difference for ...

direct3d-9ex-improvements.md - MicrosoftDocswin32

This topic describes Windows 7's added support for Flip Mode Present and its associated present statistics in Direct3D 9Ex and Desktop Window Manager.

IDirect3D9Ex 介面(d3d9.h) - Win32 apps

本文內容. 應用程式會使用繼承自IDirect3D9) 的IDirect3D9Ex 介面(方法來建立Microsoft Direct3D 9Ex 物件並設定環境。 此介面包含列舉和擷取裝置功能 ...

Direct3D 9Ex 改善- Win32 apps

Direct3D 9Ex 的翻轉模式簡報是Direct3D 9Ex 中呈現影像的改善模式,可有效率地將轉譯的影像交給Windows 7 桌面視窗管理員(DWM) 以進行組合。

Direct3D 9Ex - Creating a Full Screen Device

Direct3D 9Ex - Creating a Full Screen Device · You have not checked that pD3D is not null. · It can't be null, considering that the call to ...

Error trying to Open Undertale [Failed to Create Direct3D 9ex Device]

I can download Undertale just fine, but every time I try to open it, it gives me an error window stating; Failed to create Direct3D 9ex Device.

List of Direct3D 9Ex games

This page lists games which renders using Direct3D 9Ex, the 3D rendering API of the corresponding DirectX suite of the same number.

Direct3D 11 VS Direct3D 9 VS Direct3D 9 Ex (halp) : rsto

Direct3D 9ex is an extended version of 9 that incorporates a number of advancements designed for Direct3D 10 (namely, better compatibility with ...


Windows Vista推出DirectX的兩種新類型:Direct3D 9Ex和Direct3D 10。Direct3D 9Ex是DirectX 9的擴充版,除了Direct3D 9外,還增加了Windows Vista driver部分新功能的 ...


FirstthingIwouldtryistoinstalltheDirectX9redistributable.Itcontainsprerequisitesthataren'tinthebaseinstallofWindows.DownloadDirectXEnd- ...,AmodthatreplacesSonicGenerations'bloatedDirect3D9wrapperwithalight-weightonethatusesDirect3D9Ex.It'snormalifitmakesnodifferencefor ...,ThistopicdescribesWindows7'saddedsupportforFlipModePresentanditsassociatedpresentstatisticsinDirect3D9ExandDesktopWindowM...