OS X Mavericks

2023年6月19日—FromthemacOSControlCenterinmacOSBigSurandlater.AskingSiritolowerthebrightness.GoingtoSystemSettingsorSystemPreferences> ...,2020年6月24日—ApplemacOSBigSurcancelstheenergy-savingsectionandreplacesitwithanewBatterysection,whichexpands...。參考影片的文章的如下:


40+ tips to save battery on your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro

2023年6月19日 — From the macOS Control Center in macOS Big Sur and later. Asking Siri to lower the brightness. Going to System Settings or System Preferences > ...

Apple macOS Big Sur cancels the "energy

2020年6月24日 — Apple macOS Big Sur cancels the energy-saving section and replaces it with a new Battery section, which expands Mac's battery reporting ...

Battery Drain in macOS Big Sur? 8 Tips to Improve Battey Life

2020年12月18日 — To prevent the browser from eating into a large share of the battery, I would recommend you to use Safari – full time. Apple browser has vastly ...

Change Energy Saver settings on a Mac desktop computer

Change Energy Saver settings on a Mac desktop computer. Use Energy Saver settings to set options that control your Mac desktop computer's energy use.

How to Change Your Mac Power Settings

2022年4月6日 — Disable Power Nap · Go to System Preferences > Battery (portable) or Energy Saver (desktop) · Tick or untick Enable Power Nap. On a MacBook, you' ...

How to Take Advantage of the Battery Options in macOS ...

2020年12月4日 — To set up options for using a Power Adapter with your portable Mac, choose “Apple menu > System Preferences > Battery > Power Adapter.” Here you ...

Manage The Safari Power Saver Feature - Mac

2013年11月15日 — By default, “Stop plug-ins to save power” will be activated. To de ... Big Sur, Bluetooth, bold, bookmark, bootable duplicate, burst mode ...

Save energy on your Mac

To save energy, put your Mac to sleep, dim the display, turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, disconnect devices and close apps, and more.

Use the Mac's Energy Saver Preference Pane

2020年1月15日 — Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off: If your Energy Saver ... macOS Big Sur battery preferences window over ...


2023年6月19日—FromthemacOSControlCenterinmacOSBigSurandlater.AskingSiritolowerthebrightness.GoingtoSystemSettingsorSystemPreferences> ...,2020年6月24日—ApplemacOSBigSurcancelstheenergy-savingsectionandreplacesitwithanewBatterysection,whichexpandsMac'sbatteryreporting ...,2020年12月18日—Topreventthebrowserfromeatingintoalargeshareofthebattery,IwouldrecommendyoutouseSafari–fulltime.Applebrows...