disk image
disk image

[email protected]@DiskImageisadiskimagesoftwarethatmakesanexactcopyofanyPCdisk(HDD,SSD,USB,CD,DVD,Blu-rayetc.) ...,Adiskimageisasnapshotofastoragedevice'sstructureanddatatypicallystoredinoneormorecomputerfilesonanotherstoragedevi...

disk image | 例句

apictureinyourmindoranideaofhowsomeoneor...Seemoreatimage.(DefinitionofdiskandimagefromtheCambridgeEnglishDictionary©Cambridge ...

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Active@ Disk Image. Windows and Servers Backup ...

Active@ Disk Image. for Windows. Active@ Disk Image is a disk image software that makes an exact copy of any PC disk (HDD, SSD, USB, CD, DVD, Blu-ray etc.) ...

Disk image

A disk image is a snapshot of a storage device's structure and data typically stored in one or more computer files on another storage device.

disk image - 英中

該程序稱為「建立磁碟影像」,所產生的備份存檔通常稱為「 磁碟/磁碟分割影像」。

Disk Image Toolbox 4+ - Mac App Store

2023年11月27日 — Disk Image Toolbox 是一款強大的磁盤鏡像工具軟件,包含:鏡像刻錄,鏡像製作,鏡像轉換等多種功能。 ===> 主要功能介紹: 1、刻錄鏡像(iso, dmg, ...

disk image | 例句

a picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or ... See more at image. (Definition of disk and image from the Cambridge English Dictionary © Cambridge ...

What Is a Disk Image?

A disk image is a compressed file that contains a copy of the entire contents of a computer's hard drive or other storage media, such as optical discs or solid- ...

Win32 Disk Imager download

This program is designed to write a raw disk image to a removable device or backup a removable device to a raw image file. It is very useful for embedded ...


磁碟映像(英語:Disk image)是電腦領域中的一個電腦檔案,其包含一個磁碟卷(英語:Disk volume)或資料儲存裝置的內容和結構,包括但不限於硬碟、軟碟、磁帶、光碟、 ...


R-Drive Image 是功能強大的公用程式,可建立備份或複本用途的磁碟映像檔案。磁碟映像檔案包含硬碟、磁碟分割或邏輯磁碟的逐位元組精確複製,並能夠在不停止Windows ...


1996 年,Apple 隨著Mac OS 8.0 的發行引入了Apple Disk Image 格式。Apple 磁碟映像檔的名稱通常以「.dmg」作為副檔名,今天仍在macOS 上使用,並且這個Apple 建立的 ...


[email protected]@DiskImageisadiskimagesoftwarethatmakesanexactcopyofanyPCdisk(HDD,SSD,USB,CD,DVD,Blu-rayetc.) ...,Adiskimageisasnapshotofastoragedevice'sstructureanddatatypicallystoredinoneormorecomputerfilesonanotherstoragedevice.,該程序稱為「建立磁碟影像」,所產生的備份存檔通常稱為「磁碟/磁碟分割影像」。,2023年11月27日—DiskImageToolbox是一款強大的磁盤鏡像工具軟件,包含:鏡...