
Adding 3rd4th drives to DS920+, drives Not Initialized

2023年1月8日 — My Drive #2 (one of the original 4TB drives) is now Not Initialized. The little info icon says The Synology System is not installed on this ...

Disk "not initialized"

2015年7月11日 — Hi all, I'm not a novice to NAS's, but I am to installing hard drives (two brand new WD Red 3TB) to a new NAS enclosure (DS214Play)

Disk Not Initalized

2020年7月24日 — Not Initialized means that DSM is not installed. Are all the disks the same size? You cannot add smaller disks to an existing pool, but you ...

I need help initializing a new HHD drive in my Synology ...

2023年5月18日 — Storage Manager > HDD/SSD then I can click Drive 2 and hit the Manage Available Drives tab. From there it detected 1 drive that is not in use ...

My drive allocation status is shown as "Not Initialized. ...

If your drive has a Not Initialized allocation status, it may indicate that: The drive contains no system partition. DSM is not installed on the drive.

My drive allocation status is shown as "Not Initialized." What ...

2023年9月6日 — The drive belongs to a storage pool from another Synology NAS. If you want to access the data on that drive, insert all of the drives associated ...

Pulling out a healthy drive caused it to become "Not ...

2020年10月24日 — I am heavily distrustful of the reliability of the Synology NAS after this event, if simply pulling out a drive is enough to require a full disk ...

Synology cache disk Allocation status

2023年8月4日 — i need a kind help for a little annoying thing. I'm monitoring a synology storage with 2 cache disks. these cache disks are correctly not ...


2023年1月8日—MyDrive#2(oneoftheoriginal4TBdrives)isnowNotInitialized.ThelittleinfoiconsaysTheSynologySystemisnotinstalledonthis ...,2015年7月11日—Hiall,I'mnotanovicetoNAS's,butIamtoinstallingharddrives(twobrandnewWDRed3TB)toanewNASenclosure(DS214Play),2020年7月24日—NotInitializedmeansthatDSMisnotinstalled.Areallthedisksthesamesize?Youcannotaddsmallerdiskstoanexistingpool,butyou ...,2023年5月18...

DriveImage XML 2.22 - 免安裝的影像備份軟體

DriveImage XML 2.22 - 免安裝的影像備份軟體
