
TrishisademoncreatedbyMunduswhostrangelyresemblesDante'smother,Eva.AfterhisdefeatbythehandsofDante,shelaterjoinedDevilMayCryand ...Trish/Gallery·Trish/Quotes·Trish/File·ArianaDiamant,Ademontakingafemalehumanform,themotherofDante,Eva,Trishseeksthe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Trish - Devil May Cry Wiki

Trish is a demon created by Mundus who strangely resembles Dante's mother, Eva. After his defeat by the hands of Dante, she later joined Devil May Cry and ... Trish/Gallery · Trish/Quotes · Trish/File · Ariana Diamant

Trish (Devil May Cry)

A demon taking a female human form, the mother of Dante, Eva, Trish seeks the aid of protagonist Dante in eliminating her creator, Mundus.

Trish from Devil May Cry 5 Self made Swipe for more photos and ...

Trish from Devil May Cry 5. Self made ✨ Swipe for more photos and details. I could wear this outfit out of cosplay! Maybe I did Ph: @ ...

Playable Trish (post vergil update) - Devil May Cry 5

Replaces dante with trish for all playable sections and cutscenes.

Bewitching Trish - Devil May Cry 5

About this mod. An attempt to make Trish look more like her real life face model and previous incarnations of the character.

They really nerfed Trish in dmc5 compared to her version in ...

if you think about it Trish is much younger than everyone else, she was born (that is created by Mundus) sometime after dmc3, plus she's a demon ...

Why did lady and trish didn't got playable appearance in DMC5?

Nah. He doesn't. They definitely added new moves and altered old ones, as well as adding new functionality.

購買[DMC5] - 女角色配色包(Nico、Lady、Trish)

角色「Nico」、「Lady」和「Trish」的特別配色服裝套裝。 能於OPTION的CUTSCENE CUSTOMIZE更改。 ※追加內容將會反映到標題畫面上。 ※無法於《Devil May Cry 5 Special ...

Devil May Cry 5 - Trish Gameplay

Todays quick video is a little showcase of playing as Trish in DMC5 via a character skin swap. Keen eyed viewers will notice that this is a ...

DEVIL MAY CRY 5 - All Lady & Trish Cutscenes

Devil May Cry 5 Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game PS4 Pro Xbox one X PC No Commentary 1080p 60fps HD let's play playthrough review guide All ...


TrishisademoncreatedbyMunduswhostrangelyresemblesDante'smother,Eva.AfterhisdefeatbythehandsofDante,shelaterjoinedDevilMayCryand ...Trish/Gallery·Trish/Quotes·Trish/File·ArianaDiamant,Ademontakingafemalehumanform,themotherofDante,Eva,TrishseekstheaidofprotagonistDanteineliminatinghercreator,Mundus.,TrishfromDevilMayCry5.Selfmade✨Swipeformorephotosanddetails.Icouldwearthisoutfitoutofcosplay!Mayb...