
DNS Jumper Download Free

2017年1月6日 — About DNS Jumper · It could help you reach websites where access has been blocked. · It might improve your security by using secure DNS servers.

DNS Jumper is capable of modifying your DNS

2011年4月20日 — DNS Jumper is capable of modifying your DNS server address based on the types of network cards you have and the types of DNS services you ...

Dns Jumper v2.2

2020年4月15日 — This way I get really fast response times and the DNS lookups are all encrypted. Upvote

Dns Jumper v2.3

2020年3月17日 — DNS Jumper is a free and portable software that lets you change DNS with a few clicks and is the world's first IPv6 support software.

Download DNS Jumper

DNS Jumper is a simple and light tool that helps make your Internet better by providing a quick way to change to switch between various DNS servers.


DNS Jumper is easy to use and is a fully portable application. You can use it on your computer directly from the drive or on a portable USB drive. No traces ...

What is DNS jumper?

2016年4月5日 — DNS jumper is a free utility software that helps you to easily switch from Google to Open Public DNS and other services.

找到最適合你的DNS 伺服器,加快網站開啟速度

2021年7月7日 — 網際網路DNS 系統的工作原理和電話簿類似,管理名稱和數字之間的映射關係。DNS 伺服器將名稱請求轉換為IP 地址,以控制最終使用者在Web 瀏覽器中輸入 ...


2017年1月6日—AboutDNSJumper·Itcouldhelpyoureachwebsiteswhereaccesshasbeenblocked.·ItmightimproveyoursecuritybyusingsecureDNSservers.,2011年4月20日—DNSJumperiscapableofmodifyingyourDNSserveraddressbasedonthetypesofnetworkcardsyouhaveandthetypesofDNSservicesyou ...,2020年4月15日—ThiswayIgetreallyfastresponsetimesandtheDNSlookupsareallencrypted.Upvote,2020年3月17日—DNSJumperisafreeandportablesoft...