Overwatch with 3D spatial sound ???? (Dolby Atmos HRTF audio)

2022年9月25日—AccordingtotheDolbywebsite,OWdoesnotsupportthehometheaterversionofDolbyAtmosSound.ButwhatI'mconcernedaboutisifI ...,2019年11月16日—yeahno,TheonlythingthatmakesfootstepsmoreaudibleisEQingupyouhighsandreovinglowend.Stereohasthebestima...。參考影片的文章的如下:


About OW's support for Doby Atmos audio systems

2022年9月25日 — According to the Dolby website, OW does not support the home theater version of Dolby Atmos Sound . But what I'm concerned about is if I ...

Dolby Atmos on or off? - General Discussion

2019年11月16日 — yeah no, The only thing that makes footsteps more audible is EQing up you highs and reoving low end. Stereo has the best imaging possible and ...


Download Dolby Access on your Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, or Windows 10/11 PC to set up Dolby Atmos on your soundbar, TV, or home theater — or ...

Overwatch Dolby Atmos

2023年8月14日 — Overwatch Dolby Atmos - Distorted Sound? · Multiple speakers in both side · A powerfull tool to generate the sound based on the image or datas.

Overwatch Dolby Atmos information

Answer: Overwatch natively supports Dolby Atmos for Headphones. To use this feature, you need to enable the Dolby Atmos for Headphones setting in the game ...

Overwatch Sound Settings

2021年3月24日 — Hey OWU,. So I recently heard about this new setting you can change in the Overwatch sound menu called dolby atmos and I was wondering if ...

Overwatch 新增對Dolby Atmos Headphones 的支援

2016年3月24日 — Overwatch是第一個支援Dolby Atmos Headphones的遊戲 (StarWars:BattleFront也支援Dolby Atmos但不支援耳機) Dolby Atmos 官網介紹 本來很好奇是不是 ...

[討論] 這次改版新增的Dolby Atmos耳機支援

2016年3月24日 — 這次改版有新增支援Dolby Atmos Headphones 上網查了一下OverWatch是第一個支援Dolby Atmos Headphones的遊戲(StarWars:BattleFront也支援Dolby Atmos ...


2022年9月25日—AccordingtotheDolbywebsite,OWdoesnotsupportthehometheaterversionofDolbyAtmosSound.ButwhatI'mconcernedaboutisifI ...,2019年11月16日—yeahno,TheonlythingthatmakesfootstepsmoreaudibleisEQingupyouhighsandreovinglowend.Stereohasthebestimagingpossibleand ...,DownloadDolbyAccessonyourXboxSeriesX|S,XboxOne,orWindows10/11PCtosetupDolbyAtmosonyoursoundbar,TV,orhometheater—or ...,2023年8月14...