What is Dolby Atmos? Everything You Need To Know

ChoosehowtolistentoDolbyAtmosonyourAppleVisionPro·GotoSettings>Apps.·TapMusic.·UnderAudio,tapDolbyAtmos.·ChooseAutomatic,AlwaysOn ...,DolbyAtmosisasurroundsoundtechnologydevelopedbyDolbyLaboratories.Itexpandsonexistingsurroundsoundsystemsbyadding...。參考影片的文章的如下:


About Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos in Apple Music

Choose how to listen to Dolby Atmos on your Apple Vision Pro · Go to Settings > Apps. · Tap Music. · Under Audio, tap Dolby Atmos. · Choose Automatic, Always On ...

Dolby Atmos

Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology developed by Dolby Laboratories. It expands on existing surround sound systems by adding height channels, ...

Dolby Atmos

Take your music and entertainment to the next level with Dolby Atmos, a revolutionary spatial audio technology for the most immersive sound experience.

Dolby Atmos or 5.1

2024年3月14日 — While Dolby 5.1 focuses on a well-structured horizontal sound field, Dolby Atmos introduces a vertical dimension, offering a more dynamic and ...

Dolby Atmos Visualizer Music

The Dolby Atmos Visualizer lets you demo Dolby Atmos Music. Switch between stereo and Dolby Atmos immersive sound to discover new levels of detail and clarity.

Dolby Atmos

2024年2月19日 — 'Object-based audio' is the foundation of Dolby Atmos. Each sound in a scene has information explaining where it should be placed in the speaker ...

The 30 best Dolby Atmos movie scenes to test your home ...

2024年7月5日 — We run down our favourite film scenes that need to be heard in Dolby Atmos.

What is Dolby Atmos and how can you get it?

2023年3月16日 — The defining feature of Dolby Atmos is its configuration of audio objects. Sounds are no longer limited to their respective channels. Since ...


ChoosehowtolistentoDolbyAtmosonyourAppleVisionPro·GotoSettings>Apps.·TapMusic.·UnderAudio,tapDolbyAtmos.·ChooseAutomatic,AlwaysOn ...,DolbyAtmosisasurroundsoundtechnologydevelopedbyDolbyLaboratories.Itexpandsonexistingsurroundsoundsystemsbyaddingheightchannels, ...,TakeyourmusicandentertainmenttothenextlevelwithDolbyAtmos,arevolutionaryspatialaudiotechnologyforthemostimmersivesoundexperienc...