
Q50a Dolby Atmos-Enabled Surround Speaker

已售完 Q50a 除了可為Q 系列家庭影院系統帶來杜比全景聲的垂直方位音效,亦可用作掛牆安裝來傳遞高保真環繞音效。設有高音單元吸音導管,使高音表現更細膩自然。時尚的外型,使其能 ...

Dolby Atmos Home Theater Systems

評分 4.5 (121) We make creating a Dolby Atmos home theater simple with sets, bundling the Dolby Atmos soundbar, speakers, and a subwoofer together all for one great price.

Dolby Atmos Speaker Setup

Our setup guides will show you how to arrange your speakers for the best possible experience. Dolby Atmos speaker layouts parallel the 5.1 and 7.1 setups for ...

Dolby Atmos Speaker Setup Guides

Browse our wide-range of Dolby Atmos speaker step-by-step setup guides to find the best speaker placement and configuration for your home theater. 5.1.4 Dolby Atmos-enabled... · 3.1 Virtual Speaker Setup · Learn More · Learn how

Soundbars and Speakers with Dolby Atmos

Soundbars enabled with Dolby Atmos are available from many leaders in audio, including Sony, JBL, Sonus, Bose, Samsung, LG, Yamaha, and Klipsch.

Sib Evo Dolby Atmos 2.0 - 3-way satellite speaker

Thanks to Dolby Atmos® technology, these loudspeakers develop horizontal sound diffusion and vertical projection for an immersive experience. The major ...

Dolby Atmos Speakers

Klipsch Dolby Atmos enabled elevation speakers effortlessly add the Dolby Atmos experience to your current floorstanding or bookshelf speaker.

SS-CSE - Dolby Atmos Enabled Speakers

Enjoy high quality sound design with the Dolby Atmos / DTS:X SS-CSE speaker from Sony. Choose from standard, wall hanging or speaker relocation setups.

The best Dolby Atmos soundbars 2025 for all budgets

The best Dolby Atmos soundbars allow you to hear your favorite movies and TV shows in a way that's more immersive and natural. Quick list · Best overall · Best budget for Atmos surround · Best mid-range


已售完Q50a除了可為Q系列家庭影院系統帶來杜比全景聲的垂直方位音效,亦可用作掛牆安裝來傳遞高保真環繞音效。設有高音單元吸音導管,使高音表現更細膩自然。時尚的外型,使其能 ...,評分4.5(121)WemakecreatingaDolbyAtmoshometheatersimplewithsets,bundlingtheDolbyAtmossoundbar,speakers,andasubwoofertogetherallforonegreatprice.,Oursetupguideswillshowyouhowtoarrangeyourspeakersforthebestpossibleexperience.Dolb...