
Dolby Atmos

Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology developed by Dolby Laboratories. It expands on existing surround sound systems by adding height channels.

Dolby Atmos Home Theater System

Shockwafe Ultra 9.2.4 Channel 1000W Dolby Atmos/DTS:X Soundbar with Dual 10 Subwoofers (Wireless) & 4 Rear Surround Speakers. Enjoy Plug and Play Explosive ...

Dolby Atmos® Home Theater Installation Guidelines

This document contains recommendations and best practices for setting up a Dolby Atmos® home theater system. The guidelines are intended to cover a typical ...

Dolby Digital Plus Home Theater Drivers for Razer Blade ...

2017年8月16日 — It's missing the Dolby Digital Plus Home Theater and was wondering where I should get that from? Didn't want to make any mistake so thought I ...

DOLBY Home Theater V4 & Advanced Audio V2 體驗聚會

今天這場活動的主要目的,是要介紹Dolby 在個人電腦與行動裝置上所推出的最新技術,分別是Home Theater 第四代以及Advanced Audio 第二代。Home ...

Home Theater Review's Best of 2017 Awards

2017年12月18日 — The 55P607 is a Dolby Vision-capable UHD TV with a full-array LED backlight and 72 zones of dimming for just $649. It serves up a great black ...

《分享》內建音效升級Dolby Home Theater v4

2014年7月14日 — 《分享》內建音效升級Dolby Home Theater v4 · 1.進入Windows後徹底移除音效驅動讓winwos自動抓微軟作業系統內建音效裝置的驅動可用your uninstaller移除 ...


DolbyAtmosisasurroundsoundtechnologydevelopedbyDolbyLaboratories.Itexpandsonexistingsurroundsoundsystemsbyaddingheightchannels.,ShockwafeUltra9.2.4Channel1000WDolbyAtmos/DTS:XSoundbarwithDual10Subwoofers(Wireless)&4RearSurroundSpeakers.EnjoyPlugandPlayExplosive ...,ThisdocumentcontainsrecommendationsandbestpracticesforsettingupaDolbyAtmos®hometheatersystem.Theguidelinesareintendedtocoverat...