The Craziest Dolby Vision



Create in Dolby Vision

For the first time ever, capture, edit, watch, and share videos in Dolby Vision® — the movie technology loved by top filmmakers — all on one device.

Dolby Vision

Dolby Vision® is a stunning HDR imaging technology that brings extraordinary color, contrast, and brightness to the screen. See what you've been missing.

Upload HDR, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision videos

If a video is detected as Dolby Vision (Profile 8.4), it gets Dobly Vision and SDR renditions. If it's detected as HDR10+, then it gets HDR10+ and SDR ...


Forthefirsttimeever,capture,edit,watch,andsharevideosinDolbyVision®—themovietechnologylovedbytopfilmmakers—allononedevice.,DolbyVision®isastunningHDRimagingtechnologythatbringsextraordinarycolor,contrast,andbrightnesstothescreen.Seewhatyou'vebeenmissing.,IfavideoisdetectedasDolbyVision(Profile8.4),itgetsDoblyVisionandSDRrenditions.Ifit'sdetectedasHDR10+,thenitgetsHDR10+andSDR ...