Cemu Wii U Emulator Gameplay



Can dolphin emulate wii u games like splatoon or breath of ...

2021年4月23日 — Sadly, no. Dolphin only emulates Gamecube and Wii games. If you want to emulate WiiU games, try CEMU.

Dolphin (模擬器)


Dolphin Emulator

2024年2月10日 — Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two ...

Wii U emulators

2012年11月18日 — Nothing has been done on the actual emulation front as far as Dolphin is concerned, and the Dolphin developers have said that they are not ...

Wii u games on dolphin

2021年2月12日 — Thanks, I think it is cemu, I was just wondering if I can get an emulator for both wii and wii u. I guess I will download both emulators ...


2021年4月23日—Sadly,no.DolphinonlyemulatesGamecubeandWiigames.IfyouwanttoemulateWiiUgames,tryCEMU.,Dolphin是一個能執行於Windows、Linux、macOS和Android作業系統的任天堂GameCube與Wii的開源模擬器。它是歷史上第一個可完美執行任天堂GameCube與Wii遊戲的模擬器。,2024年2月10日—DolphinisanemulatorfortworecentNintendovideogameconsoles:theGameCubeandtheWii.ItallowsPCgamerstoenjoygamesforthesetwo ...,2012年1...