
ams BELAGO1.1 Dot Projector IR Lasers (VCSEL)

BELAGO1.1 is a proprietary infrared dot-pattern illuminator for stereoscopic imaging and structured light platforms with eye-safety feature.

Dot projector sample 歡迎採購試用

華錦光電提供多種款式的3D 感測元件/模組projector, 歡迎參考 · 回前頁. 華錦光電科技股份有限公司. 總部: 台北市內湖區洲子街74號3樓; (02)87516218 ...

940 nm SMT Dot Projector Modules

These SMT dot projector modules emit a matrix of infrared dots for high-resolution 3D sensing. They are designed for seamless integration in high-volume ...

Dot projector module « Himax Technologies, Inc

Comprehensive selection in Off-the-Shelf dot projector modules. Cost-effective, High efficiency, Wide-Angle FOI up to 110°, High contrast dot pattern over 30k ...


點陣投射器模組. Himax 提供全方位的點陣投射器模組規格,協助客戶將我們的產品廣泛的設計於3D感測技術領域之相關應用上。 Himax TK和TL系列點陣投射器模組,不僅高效能 ...

Demonstration of the Functional Principle of a Dot Projector

The dot projector stands as a crucial element powering nowadays face recognition technologies (like Face ID).

[PDF] Working Principle Demonstration of the Dot Projector with Physical ...

Dot projector is a key component that enables Apple's Face ID. The system usually consists of an array of light light emitting units, lenses, and beam ...


Features · High-contrast, 5k random dot-pattern · Focus-free dot pattern projection · High electro-optical efficiency · Eye-safety with resistive ITO; Enables ...

How does the dot projector for Face-ID on the iPhone work ...

That's a laser being beamed through a diffraction grating and being split up into multiple beams or points. These can be a grid of dots, a ...


1.點陣投射器(Dot projector):作為實現臉部辨識的主要構造,它會將超過30,000光點投射到使用者的臉部,由於每個人的臉部起伏有不同的特徵,感測器接受到了 ...


BELAGO1.1isaproprietaryinfrareddot-patternilluminatorforstereoscopicimagingandstructuredlightplatformswitheye-safetyfeature.,華錦光電提供多種款式的3D感測元件/模組projector,歡迎參考·回前頁.華錦光電科技股份有限公司.總部:台北市內湖區洲子街74號3樓;(02)87516218 ...,TheseSMTdotprojectormodulesemitamatrixofinfrareddotsforhigh-resolution3Dsensing.Theyaredesignedforseamlessintegrationinhigh-volume ...,...