
Get OpenStack

It is available for download on github at nii-cloud/dodai-deploy. Documentation for dodai-deploy can be found on the wiki at its github site. RDO, at ...

Get Started on the Open Source Cloud Platform

Get started with OpenStack. An open source cloud operating system managing compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter using APIs.

How to Install OpenStack on Ubuntu 18.04 with DevStack

2022年8月3日 — How to Install OpenStack on Ubuntu 18.04 with DevStack · Step 1: Update and Upgrade the System · Step 2: Create Stack user and assign sudo ...

Install OpenStack and launch your first instance

In this series of tutorials, we will walk you through all the necessary steps to install, configure and get started with OpenStack. Using just a single machine, ...

Install OpenStack yourself

A step-by-step guide to OpenStack installation. You only need your workstation to get started.

Installing OpenStack CLI on Windows

2024年1月12日 — Before you can install OpenStack CLI on Windows, you must install Python 2.7 and Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Python, on the Windows host.

OpenStack Installation Guide

OpenStack Documentation Guides Install Guides User Guides Configuration Guides Operations and Administration Guides API Guides Contributor Guides


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.

安裝OpenStack 並建置虛擬機

簡單記錄安裝OpenStack 並建置虛擬機的流程,以便未來需要時能及時查閱。 系統簡介. 使用的設備: ncyu 電算中心220教室的h10伺服器; 伺服器 ...


Itisavailablefordownloadongithubatnii-cloud/dodai-deploy.Documentationfordodai-deploycanbefoundonthewikiatitsgithubsite.RDO,at ...,GetstartedwithOpenStack.Anopensourcecloudoperatingsystemmanagingcompute,storage,andnetworkingresourcesthroughoutadatacenterusingAPIs.,2022年8月3日—HowtoInstallOpenStackonUbuntu18.04withDevStack·Step1:UpdateandUpgradetheSystem·Step2:CreateStackuserandassignsudo ...,...