
I want to format my hard drive and reinstall windows

Put the program into a folder name it wintoflash and Unzip the download. Now look for an application icon that looks like a yellow T on its side ...

why USB sticks are invisible in NoviCorp wintoflash(windows software)

Now, open Wine config from the dash. Go to the Drives settings and click the autodetect button - this should make it detect your USB stick. When ...


You will get the 'Setup cannot create the folder -WINDOWS' error if the target hard disk was not automatically formatted or already contains a -WINDOWS folder.

Problems with WinToFlash

To fix this just use advanced mode and in format tab change format system (default FAT32 LBA) to FAT16 LBA, but now i have other problem, if ...

Using WinToFlash to create bootable flash drive

Boot from the flash disk with Windows 7. Open the command prompt; Change to the C: drive. Type the following: bootrec /fixmbr. Then:

What should I do if WinToFlash fails to create a bootable USB drive?

If WinToFlash fails to create a bootable USB drive, try using another USB drive, ensuring it's formatted correctly, or use alternative ...

Do I need to format my USB drive before using WinToFlash?

Formatting your USB drive before using WinToFlash is a crucial step to ensure compatibility, remove existing data, and optimize performance.

keep getting error when trying to make a bootable usb drive

It's recommended to cancel current operation and change the file system with bigger maximum file size limitation, for example to NTFS or exFAT.

wintoflash error

I format the drive into ntfs and everytime i use wintoflash it formats it back to fat32. I cant boot from this. Fact is i have done the correct ...

wintoflash Always using fat32

I am putting windows 7 into my flash drive. I format the drive into ntfs and everytime i use wintoflash it formats it back to fat32. I cant boot from this.


PuttheprogramintoafoldernameitwintoflashandUnzipthedownload.NowlookforanapplicationiconthatlookslikeayellowTonitsside ...,Now,openWineconfigfromthedash.GototheDrivessettingsandclicktheautodetectbutton-thisshouldmakeitdetectyourUSBstick.When ...,Youwillgetthe'Setupcannotcreatethefolder-WINDOWS'errorifthetargetharddiskwasnotautomaticallyformattedoralreadycontainsa-WINDOWSfolder.,Tofixthisjustuse...