D-Link Smart Plug DSP

TurnontheD-LinkDSP-W215router·Lookfortheresetbutton.·PresstheFactoryresetbuttonwithastraightenedpaperclippinorsomethingthatgetsthrough ...,D-LinkWi-FiSmartPlugDSPW115|FactoryReset-EraseallsettingsThanksD-Linkforsendingmethisproductintrial!,D-Link...。參考影片的文章的如下:


D-Link DSP-W215 Router Login and Password

Turn on the D-Link DSP-W215 router · Look for the reset button. · Press the Factory reset button with a straightened paperclip pin or something that gets through ...

D-Link Smart Plug DSP-W115 • Factory Reset

D-Link Wi-Fi Smart Plug DSP W115 | Factory Reset - Erase all settings Thanks D-Link for sending me this product in trial!

DSP-W215 A1 Manual v1.00 (DI) | PDF | Wi Fi

D-Link DSP-W215 User Manual 3 · 1 WPS/Reset Button device to factory defaults, press and hold for about 10 seconds until the Status LED turns red. · 2 Power ...

Handling HNAP - DLink DSP-W215 example

In Domoticz, delete the switch associated with the plugin from the devices page; Restart Domoticz and there should be switch, temperature and usage devices for ...

Hard Reset D-LINK DSP-W215 rev A1, How To

How to Hard Reset D-LINK DSP-W215 rev A1: Make sure your router is plugged in. Find your router's reset button at the back of your device.

How do I reset the DSP-W215? - D

When you reset your DSP-W215, it will change your settings back to the factory default settings. To reset the device to factory defaults, press and hold the RESET button for about 10 seconds until the Status LED turns red .

Master Reset D-LINK DSP-W215, How To

Press and hold the Reset Key, while you plug back the electric cord. D-LINK DSP-W215 Reset Settings; Keep holding the Reset Button ...

Running OpenWRT (with web UI!) on a D-Link DSP

Set the DSP-W215 to emergency flash mode by holding the reset button while plugging it in until the small LED flashes red; Connect to the unsecured DSP-W215B ...

Troubleshooting - D-Link mydlink DSP

To reset the device, locate the Reset button on the side of the device. With the device plugged in, press and hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds until ...


TurnontheD-LinkDSP-W215router·Lookfortheresetbutton.·PresstheFactoryresetbuttonwithastraightenedpaperclippinorsomethingthatgetsthrough ...,D-LinkWi-FiSmartPlugDSPW115|FactoryReset-EraseallsettingsThanksD-Linkforsendingmethisproductintrial!,D-LinkDSP-W215UserManual3·1WPS/ResetButtondevicetofactorydefaults,pressandholdforabout10secondsuntiltheStatusLEDturnsred.·2Power ...,InDomoticz,deletetheswi...