
DUPLICATE | English meaning

5 天前 · to make an exact copy of something: The documents had been duplicated. Parenthood is an experience nothing else can duplicate.

DUPLICATED | English meaning

to make an exact copy of something: The documents had been duplicated. Parenthood is an experience nothing else can duplicate.

duplicate (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音

The word dupe is short for duplicate, which means something that is an exact copy of something else.dupe 這個字其實是duplicate 的縮寫,表示某個東西的替代 ...


duplicate · adj. 完全一樣的;複製的;副本的;二重的;一對的;二倍的 · n. 完全一樣的東西;複製品;副本[C];【牌】複局 ...

DUPLICATE Definition & Meaning

adjective · exactly like or corresponding to something else: duplicate copies of a letter. · consisting of or existing in two identical or corresponding parts; ...

DUPLICATE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1 of 3 adjective. du·​pli·​cate ˈd(y)ü-pli-kət. 1. : having two parts exactly the same or alike. 2. : being the same as another. duplicate · 2 of ...

What is the adjective for duplicate?

Being the same as another; identical. · (game) In which the hands of cards, tiles, etc. are preserved between rounds to be played again by other players.


adj. /ˈdjuːplɪkət/. exactly like something else, especially through having been copied. having two corresponding parts.


5天前·tomakeanexactcopyofsomething:Thedocumentshadbeenduplicated.Parenthoodisanexperiencenothingelsecanduplicate.,tomakeanexactcopyofsomething:Thedocumentshadbeenduplicated.Parenthoodisanexperiencenothingelsecanduplicate.,Theworddupeisshortforduplicate,whichmeanssomethingthatisanexactcopyofsomethingelse.dupe這個字其實是duplicate的縮寫,表示某個東西的替代 ...,duplicate·adj.完全一樣的;複製的;...