

Duplicati is a free, open-source backup solution that offers zero-trust, fully encrypted backups for your data. Integrating with all major cloud providers ...

Releases · duplicatiduplicati

New tool to manage a running server. Due to incompatibility with duplicati_client a new tool is included, named Duplicati.CommandLine.ServerUtil.exe / duplicati ...


Duplicati is a backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on local storage, cloud storage services and remote file servers. Package duplicati · Security · Dockerfile · README.md

Duplicati website

This repository contains the source for the Duplicati primary website. About. Duplicati website. Resources. Readme. License. MIT license.


Duplicati is a free, open source, backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file ... Issues · Pull requests 48 · Actions · Security


Duplicati. Store securely encrypted backups on cloud storage services! 216 followers · http://duplicati.com · [email protected] · Overview · Repositories 13 ...

duplicati repositories

13 repositories found. List is sorted by Last pushed in descending order.

duplicatiREADME.md at master

Duplicati is a free, open source, backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file ...

Documentation for Duplicati

Welcome to the Duplicati Documentation! This site contains documentation for using the open source Duplicati client, including best practice, pro tips, and ...

Issues · duplicatiduplicati

Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud! Contribute to duplicati/duplicati development by creating an account on GitHub.


Duplicatiisafree,open-sourcebackupsolutionthatofferszero-trust,fullyencryptedbackupsforyourdata.Integratingwithallmajorcloudproviders ...,Newtooltomanagearunningserver.Duetoincompatibilitywithduplicati_clientanewtoolisincluded,namedDuplicati.CommandLine.ServerUtil.exe/duplicati ...,Duplicatiisabackupclientthatsecurelystoresencrypted,incremental,compressedbackupsonlocalstorage,cloudstorageservi...