DW News

Thelargestandmostpopulouscontinentontheplanet.Withatotalpopulationestimatedatover4billion,Asiaishometomorethanhalfofthepeopleon ...,ReportsandbackgroundonSouth-andEastAsiantopics;withafocusonhumanrightsandpoliticaldevelopmentsfromIndiaandPakistan...。參考影片的文章的如下:



The largest and most populous continent on the planet. With a total population estimated at over 4 billion, Asia is home to more than half of the people on ...

Asia | An in

Reports and background on South- and East Asian topics; with a focus on human rights and political developments from India and Pakistan to China and Japan.

Deutsche Welle

DW-TV Asia (DW-TV Asien in German) contains 16 hours of German programming and 8 hours in English, whilst DW-TV Asia+ contains 18 hours of English programmes ...

DW Asia

DW Asia. 34626 likes · 1925 talking about this. Follow us for trustworthy news and analysis from across Asia.


DW-TV Asia (DW-TV Asien in German) broadcasts 16 hours of German programming and eight hours in English while DW-TV Asia+ broadcasts 18 hours of English ...

就是節目表 DW(Deutsch)

... DW(Deutsch)DaVinCi Learning達文西頻道Discovery AsiaDiscoveryDiscovery科學頻道Diva ... Nickelodeon Asia(尼克兒童頻道)Outdoor OutdoorPET CLUB TVROCK ActionROCK ...


Thelargestandmostpopulouscontinentontheplanet.Withatotalpopulationestimatedatover4billion,Asiaishometomorethanhalfofthepeopleon ...,ReportsandbackgroundonSouth-andEastAsiantopics;withafocusonhumanrightsandpoliticaldevelopmentsfromIndiaandPakistantoChinaandJapan.,DW-TVAsia(DW-TVAsieninGerman)contains16hoursofGermanprogrammingand8hoursinEnglish,whilstDW-TVAsia+contains18hoursofEnglishprogrammes ...