DxO Optics Pro 9 Demonstration

DxOOpticsProforPhotosisdesignedtoprovideaseamlessimageprocessingworkflowforPhotographerswhoareonaMac,anduseOSXPhotosastheir ...,DxOOpticsProforPhotosisdesignedtoprovideaseamlessimageprocessingworkflowforPhotographerswhoareonaMac,anduseOSXPhotosas...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DxO OpticsPro for Photos on the Mac App Store

DxO OpticsPro for Photos is designed to provide a seamless image processing workflow for Photographers who are on a Mac, and use OS X Photos as their ...

在Mac App Store 上的「DxO OpticsPro for Photos」

DxO OpticsPro for Photos is designed to provide a seamless image processing workflow for Photographers who are on a Mac, and use OS X Photos as their ...

DxO Labs

DxO PhotoLab: First released as DxO Optics Pro in 2004, DxO PhotoLab is digital image editing software package designed for photographers who shoot RAW. · DxO ...

原價199美元DxO OpticsPro 9 專業級影像處理軟體限免中!

DxO Labs是著名的相機與鏡頭評測機構,近日與Digital Camera UK 雜誌合作,共同合作舉辦RAW相片處理軟體《DxO OpticsPro 9》限時免費活動,只要在2月28日前透過活動 ...

DxO Labs OpticsPro 11 Essential Edition Photo Enhancing ...

A versatile post-production solution expanding on its raw file processing capabilities, DxO OpticsPro 11 Essential Edition is an all-inclusive application ...

DxO PhotoLab 7: Advanced, end-to

DxO Optics Modules are created in our exclusive laboratory, allowing DxO's technicians to target sharpening specifically to where a lens needs it most. You ...

DxO photo-editing software: Simply better images

DxO PhotoLab · The most advanced, end-to-end, RAW photo editing software · Kelvin Chan ; DxO ViewPoint · Take complete control of the geometry of your images · DxO ...

DxO最新專業影像編輯工具OpticsPro 11 限免下載中

2017年10月16日 — 唯一要注意的是免費序號無法獲得以後任何更新升級,但DxO OpticsPro 11 是目前最新版,撐個幾年絕對沒問題。另外介面只有英文語系,還不支援中文。


DxOOpticsProforPhotosisdesignedtoprovideaseamlessimageprocessingworkflowforPhotographerswhoareonaMac,anduseOSXPhotosastheir ...,DxOOpticsProforPhotosisdesignedtoprovideaseamlessimageprocessingworkflowforPhotographerswhoareonaMac,anduseOSXPhotosastheir ...,DxOPhotoLab:FirstreleasedasDxOOpticsProin2004,DxOPhotoLabisdigitalimageeditingsoftwarepackagedesignedforphotographerswhoshootRAW.·DxO ...,Dx...
