DxO Optics Pro 11 noise reduction sample (Prime v HQ)

前一陣子,得知有一款在國外贏得不少獎的影像軟體:DxOLabs的DxOOpticsPro,這個軟體標榜的,是以目前市售的相機搭配上不同鏡頭,經過實驗室裡的實測,將各種組合的影像特性 ...,TryingoutDxOPhotoLabV1showsupmorechangesthanyoumightfirstthink.Whatcouldhavebeen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DxO Optics Pro試用心得

前一陣子,得知有一款在國外贏得不少獎的影像軟體:DxO Labs 的DxO Optics Pro,這個軟體標榜的,是以目前市售的相機搭配上不同鏡頭,經過實驗室裡的實測,將各種組合的影像特性 ...

DxO PhotoLab review

Trying out DxO PhotoLab V1 shows up more changes than you might first think. What could have been DxO Optics Pro Version 12 gets a new name.

DxO PhotoLab 8

The RAW photo conversion, retouching, and editing software with AI-powered noise reduction, leading optical corrections, and easy file management.

試用DxO Optics Pro後感想....


DxO OpticsPro for Photos on the Mac App Store

評分 2.0 (3) DxO OpticsPro for Photos is designed to provide a seamless image processing workflow for Photographers who are on a Mac, and use OS X Photos as their ...

DxO Optics Pro 12 and ruminations about DxO and Capture 1

It does have 3 levels of sharpening - capture the includes lens corrections, detail and export. To get into the different export sharpening ...

Digital Darkroom Software Review: DxO Optics Pro

Program: DxO Optics Pro (In 2017, with version 12, the name was changed to DXO PhotoLab.) Platforms Available Tested: Mac, Windows

DxO photo editing software

Unlock your potential with DxO's advanced, award-winning photo editing software: PhotoLab, ViewPoint, PureRAW, FilmPack, and Nik Collection. With DxO's 369 new Optics... · 559 new DxO Optics Modules... · About DxO · Shop


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Dxo的價格推薦- 2024年12月

[CYF 限時限量特賣區] 全新盒裝DxO Optics Pro 9 Standard Edition 完整版. $4,350. 價格持平. 露天拍賣icon. 露天拍賣. 2157429(6481). 已無更多符合的內容。


前一陣子,得知有一款在國外贏得不少獎的影像軟體:DxOLabs的DxOOpticsPro,這個軟體標榜的,是以目前市售的相機搭配上不同鏡頭,經過實驗室裡的實測,將各種組合的影像特性 ...,TryingoutDxOPhotoLabV1showsupmorechangesthanyoumightfirstthink.WhatcouldhavebeenDxOOpticsProVersion12getsanewname.,TheRAWphotoconversion,retouching,andeditingsoftwarewithAI-powerednoisereduction,leadingopticalcorrections,andeasyfi...