
Compare the range: With all Dyson purifiers

1. In maximum setting. Tested for air projection, purification coverage in a 2860 ft3 room. 2. Refer to the Dyson Link app for compatible voice services.

Differences between the pure hot cool link (hp03) and ...

2019年11月23日 — Having googled the HP02, it seems it's just a regional variation. I.e. Australia has the HP03 and the equivalent of that is the HP02 in America.

Dyson HP04 vs. HP02 vs. HP01

2024年2月18日 — The HP02 doesn't have the super high air flow at ~ 310 liters / sec that the HP04 does, but it can still purify, heat, and cool a large room. It ...

Dyson Purifier Hot+Cool HP07 vs Dyson Pure Hot ...

2024年5月27日 — The HP07 also delivers better overall particle filtration performance. While the HP02 can pivot up and down, the HP07 has a much larger range of ...

DYSON 原廠HP02 HP03涼暖空氣清淨機紅外線遙控器(銀 ...

DYSON PURE COOL HOT LINK 原廠專用遙控器,磁性設計可吸附在風扇頂端。 遙控器上比HP00 HP01系列多了睡眠和自動兩顆控制鈕,並不相容喔。

Dyson 戴森Pure Hot + Cool Link HP02 HEPA 空氣清淨機 ...

材料. 聚丙烯 ; 產品尺寸. 21.1長x 21.1寬x 15.5厚度公分 ; MERV 評分. 16 ; 相容裝置. 空气净化器 ; 品牌名稱, ‎Topwell.

What's the difference between the Dyson Pure Hot +Cool™ ...

2022年10月12日 — The HP00 and HP03 are similar, the HP03 is able to link to the Dyson Link app, hence the word link in the name.

【抗敏單入組】綠綠好日複合型HEPA濾芯適用Dyson HP00 ...

【抗敏單入組】綠綠好日複合型HEPA濾芯適用Dyson HP00 HP01 HP02 HP03 DP01 DP03 · 1. 我們的H13濾紙能有效過濾PM0.3微粒99.97%以上及高效過濾PM2.5微粒、細懸浮微粒、塵埃 ...

【新上市】Dyson TP03、HP03搭載二代濾網空氣清淨無扇葉風扇

2017年7月15日 — 好消息是TP02及HP02未來也都能直接使用二代濾網,因此對於已經有Dyson風扇的人來說,這次改版未來也能享受到。 HP03 和HP00 差異說明. 外觀包裝上,兩 ...

