Undertale Fan plays Earthbound for the first time! (Final)

8SomaCruz·ThesceneoutsideoftheschoolintheTruePacifistcreditsingenerallookslikeEarthbound.·Thehouseinendingscreenifyou ...,Earthbound,ontheotherhand,ismuchmorelightheartedintonethroughoutthemajorityofthegameandacrossmanyelementsofthegame—the ...,I...。參考影片的文章的如下:


EarthboundUndertale Similarities and References

8SomaCruz · The scene outside of the school in the True Pacifist credits in general looks like Earthbound. · The house in ending screen if you ...

How Undertale Pays Homage to Earthbound and the Mother Series

Earthbound, on the other hand, is much more lighthearted in tone throughout the majority of the game and across many elements of the game — the ...

[Undertale Spoilers] EarthBound Reference Compilation

I'm taking on the task of listing every EarthBound reference in Undertale. Let's start with the obvious - The year is XXXX

Earthbound and Undertale Crossover

Earthbound and Undertale crossover fanfiction archive with over 16 stories. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Earthbound ...

Undertale Creator Toby Fox Explains How EarthBound's Fans Kept ...

Undertale creator Toby Fox has made no secret of the fact that he was heavily inspired by EarthBound when crafting his legendary post-modern ...

Is EarthBound related to Undertale?

Both take inspiration from Nintendo's Earthbound, but Lisa is noticeably sharper than Undertale, which has rather dark humor. Decision scenes ...

What makes people compare Earthbound and Undertale?

Both are RPGs where the main draw is the sense of humor that runs through it. Both go out of their way to defy and spoof genre conventions of ...

[Spoilers] Post all similarities to EarthBound here! : rUndertale

Undertale pays HUGE homage to Earthbound throughout the story, to the extent where they are definite parallels and references to each other.

Undertale Fan plays Earthbound for the first time! (Part 1)

I love quirky undertale inspired rpgs about depression. 5:21:40 Go to channel Undertale Fan plays Earthbound for the first time! (Part 2)


8SomaCruz·ThesceneoutsideoftheschoolintheTruePacifistcreditsingenerallookslikeEarthbound.·Thehouseinendingscreenifyou ...,Earthbound,ontheotherhand,ismuchmorelightheartedintonethroughoutthemajorityofthegameandacrossmanyelementsofthegame—the ...,I'mtakingonthetaskoflistingeveryEarthBoundreferenceinUndertale.Let'sstartwiththeobvious-TheyearisXXXX,EarthboundandUndertalecrossoverfanfictionarchivew...