MOTHER EarthBound Zero
In the early 1900's, a dark shadow covered a small country town in rural America. At that time, a young married couple vanished mysteriously from their home.
Full Item List
ITEM LIST - ALPHABETICAL ORDER · A. Air Gun. Description: A strong weapon, but only Loid seems to be able to use it. · B. Basement Key. Description: Use this ...
EarthBound Beginnings
EarthBound Beginnings is a release of the original, unreleased NES translation, and contains all of its changes from the original releases.
Mother (video game)
Mother, officially known outside of Japan as EarthBound Beginnings, is a 1989 role-playing video game developed by Ape Inc. and Nintendo and published by ...
EarthBound Beginnings
For confirmation that the patch worked, the patch also changed the title to Earth Bound Zero, which became a common name used by fans to distinguish the game ...
《地球冒險》(日版名:MOTHER,英文版名:EarthBound Beginnings,又譯作「媽媽」)是由任天堂的糸井重里創作,任天堂發行的角色扮演遊戲(RPG),僅於1989年在日本上市,遊戲 ...