
Changing fonts and colors

Open the command link General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts preference page. · Select the font you want to change. · Click Edit... · Use the dialog which opens ...

How can I change font size in Eclipse for ALL text editors?

2014年4月24日 — Go to Preferences → General → Appearance → Colors and Fonts, expand the Basic folder and select Text Font and change that to whatever ...

How to change font size in Eclipse for Java text editors?

2011年2月7日 — On the Eclipse toolbar, select Window → Preferences, set the font size (General → Appearance → Colors and Fonts → Basic → Text Font).

how to Change Font text and size in Eclipse editor.

Following are steps. Go to Window Menu; Select Preferences , It shows a window; Select General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts; Expand Basic Folder ...

How to increase font size of Eclipse globally?

2011年9月9日 — Go to Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts, expand the Basic folder and select Text Font and change that to whatever size ...


OpenthecommandlinkGeneral>Appearance>ColorsandFontspreferencepage.·Selectthefontyouwanttochange.·ClickEdit...·Usethedialogwhichopens ...,2014年4月24日—GotoPreferences→General→Appearance→ColorsandFonts,expandtheBasicfolderandselectTextFontandchangethattowhatever ...,,2011年2月7日—OntheEclipsetoolbar,selectWindow→Preferences,setthefontsize(General→Appearance→ColorsandFonts→Basic→TextFont)....

'> MyFonts。我的字體比較

