
Anyone know how I can get the PS3 component cable for the Elgato ...

You can check out places like EBay for a second hand cable or there is an alternative way to capture a PS3 via HDMI. You can get an HDMI ...

Can't find AV to PS3 cable : relgato

This cable was discontinued with the device back in January 2018, so it's a bit hard to find these days, even on sites like eBay at times. If ...

elgato game capture hd PlayStation 3 Cable (CABLE ONLY)

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for elgato game capture hd PlayStation 3 Cable (CABLE ONLY) at the best online prices at eBay!

How to capture Your PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) with HDMI ...

How to capture Your PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) with HDMI Elgato Capture Card · Comments96.

How to connect PS3 With elgato HD60 S+ Easy How To #Tutorial

Learn how to connect your PS3 step by step to your iMac computer with the Elgato HD60 S+ and splitter. A simple easy tutorial you can ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Elgato Game Capture HD setup

1) Connect your PlayStation 3 to Elgato Game Capture HD using the supplied PlayStation 3 cable. 2) Connect your TV to the HDMI Out port of Elgato Game Capture ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game Capture HD60

Elgato Game Capture HD60 only accepts unencrypted HDMI input that doesn't protect the signal via HDCP. The PS3 outputs video via HDMI that is protected via HDCP ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game Capture HD60 S

The PS3 outputs video via HDMI that is protected via HDCP. That means that Elgato Game Capture HD60 S cannot capture any video from the PS3. To capture PS3 ...

ReadyWired USB Cable Cord for Elgato Game Capture HD 60

... PS3 控制器、MP3 播放器、相機、行車記錄器、Garmin GPS、Hero 3+(黑色). 4.6 顆星,最高5 顆星 2,120. 共2 筆優惠,售價為US$599US$599 元起.


YoucancheckoutplaceslikeEBayforasecondhandcableorthereisanalternativewaytocaptureaPS3viaHDMI.YoucangetanHDMI ...,ThiscablewasdiscontinuedwiththedevicebackinJanuary2018,soit'sabithardtofindthesedays,evenonsiteslikeeBayattimes.If ...,Findmanygreatnew&usedoptionsandgetthebestdealsforelgatogamecapturehdPlayStation3Cable(CABLEONLY)atthebestonlinepricesateBay!,HowtocaptureYourPlayStation3(PS3)wi...