WhatsApp emojis meaning in English #shorts #english

SlightlySmilingFace:Mildhappinessorpoliteness.????,HuggingFace:Offeringahugorcomfort.????,ThinkingFace:Thinkingorpondering.???? ...,NamesandmeaningsofalltheemojisinWhatsAppforiPhone,Web,AndroidandWindowsandnewWhatsAppemojisforAndroid.,Namesandmea...。參考影片的文章的如下:


WhatsApp Emojis

Slightly Smiling Face: Mild happiness or politeness. ????, Hugging Face: Offering a hug or comfort. ????, Thinking Face: Thinking or pondering. ???? ...

WhatsApp Emoji Meanings

Names and meanings of all the emojis in WhatsApp for iPhone, Web, Android and Windows and new WhatsApp emojis for Android.

Emojis for WhatsApp on iPhone, Android and Web (Updated

Names and meanings of all the emojis in WhatsApp for iPhone, Web, Android and Windows and new WhatsApp emojis for Android. Browse the list of WhatsApp ...


Emoji, 意思, 複製/貼上. ????, 露齒而笑的表情, 複製. ????, 張嘴微笑的表情, 複製. ????, 張嘴眉開眼笑的表情, 複製. ????, 眉開眼笑的表情, 複製. ????, 張嘴微笑眼睛緊閉的表情, 複製.

Emoji meanings: types of emojis and what do they mean

8 天前 · ????. Smiley. Smiley emoji denotes happiness and positive feelings ; ????. Smile. The smile emoji depicts a person's happiness when sending a greeting ...

???? Emoji Meanings

You'll find all current WhatsApp and Facebook Emojis as well as a description of their meaning. ???? Have fun with diving into the colorful world of WhatsApp ... Smileys & People · Symbols · Animals & Nature · Objects

???? Smileys and People Emojis in WhatsApp and their meaning

5 天前 · With a shy, embarrassed smile, the ???? emoji radiates happiness, contentment, peace of mind, and gratitude. The bright eyes and red cheeks that ...

Emoji Meanings Dictionary List | App Price Drops

See price drops for the iOS Universal app Emoji Meanings Dictionary List. Whats does a specific Emoji mean? Get the meanings of all Emojis.

True Meaning of WhatsApp Emoticons, Smiley, Symbols

Discover the true meanings of WhatsApp smiley faces and emoticons. Express your feelings with these symbols.


SlightlySmilingFace:Mildhappinessorpoliteness.????,HuggingFace:Offeringahugorcomfort.????,ThinkingFace:Thinkingorpondering.???? ...,NamesandmeaningsofalltheemojisinWhatsAppforiPhone,Web,AndroidandWindowsandnewWhatsAppemojisforAndroid.,NamesandmeaningsofalltheemojisinWhatsAppforiPhone,Web,AndroidandWindowsandnewWhatsAppemojisforAndroid.BrowsethelistofWhatsApp ...,Emoji,意思,複製/貼上.????,露齒...