Wehaveproudlybeencreatingcheatsupportforemulatorssince1996.Hereforthefirsttime,thepublicnowhavethechoicetoviewanduseoutsideofthe ...,2007-10-16TA获得超过2876个赞.以上emucheat官方论坛...全文.百度知道十...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Frog-Feast-World-2007 - Emucheats

We have proudly been creating cheat support for emulators since 1996. Here for the first time, the public now have the choice to view and use outside of the ...


2007-10-16 TA获得超过2876个赞. 以上emucheat官方论坛 ...全文. 百度知道十分钟有问必答 立即下载. 哪里可以下载 ...

MAME XML Cheats Collection for MAME 0.264

Updated, the 0.131 XML Cheat Collection has just been released. It's no longer based on the 0.126 cheat file - so all 8030 games have now got an ...

E-H (Atari Jaguar) Archives - Emucheats

Download all the above cheats in RetroArch format and place into a cheats-Virtual Jaguar folder to then navigate to and select for use with the game.

谁有Emulator Cheats最新版本啊

在这里可以下载 求采纳 ...全文. 捐良5546. 2014-06-22 TA获得超过112个赞. 下载地址:

【求助】Emulator Cheats|【 金手指专区| Cheat Codes 】

楼主 发表于: 2007-07-19 18:24. 只看楼主 | 小中大. 【求助】Emulator Cheats. 谁有Emulator Cheats的下载地址啊给我谢谢啊网上的都是假的。。。找不到?? 万顷黄沙的 ...

Cheat Engine Help - Page 5 - Emulator Cheats

If you are having problems finding or using cheats for an Emulator (particularly MAME/MESS) or have found a trick that you wish to share this is the place ...

Jay Green 2007 and 2008 custom player : rMLBPowerPros

2007 is RMPE54 and 2008 is RL8E54. Find the code you want and copy it, then when you're in Dolphin go to the Edit Cheats menu for the game, ...

exagear gold windows emulator cheats Archives

Home » Posts tagged 'exagear gold windows emulator cheats'. Android ফোনে Run করুন Microsoft Office 2007 [Exagear Gold]. 2 years ago 30 Comments ...


Wehaveproudlybeencreatingcheatsupportforemulatorssince1996.Hereforthefirsttime,thepublicnowhavethechoicetoviewanduseoutsideofthe ...,2007-10-16TA获得超过2876个赞.以上emucheat官方论坛...全文.百度知道十分钟有问必答立即下载.哪里可以下载 ...,Updated,the0.131XMLCheatCollectionhasjustbeenreleased.It'snolongerbasedonthe0.126cheatfile-soall8030gameshavenow...