
ThetrainingisprovidedbyourcoreeServicesteamandincludesuseofApply/PayOnline,ePlans,DataSearch,accountcreationandmore.Youwillhavean ...,Withourwebservices,youcanbookandmanageyourtrainingcourseswithLufthansaAviationTraining,requestaccess,andviewoper...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DPS - eServices Training

The training is provided by our core eServices team and includes use of Apply/Pay Online, ePlans, Data Search, account creation and more. You will have an ...


With our web services, you can book and manage your training courses with Lufthansa Aviation Training, request access, and view operation schedules.


Teacher users can define Training Needs in e-Services Portal and search training courses according to their self-defined Training Needs in T-surf24/7. T ...


Find services for online transactions with MOM, including applications, renewals, status checks, notifications and updates.

eServices Training

Our training session can be availed via workshops, eLearning platforms or through our comprehensive manuals. Jump onboard and learn about the plethora of E- ...

natific eService Experience

natific eService Experience. Toggle menu Menu. All Courses · Sign In. Welcome to the natific eLearning Experience. Expert Training in Color Development and ...


Course outlines for eLearning are an important tool for all instructors teaching online. We can help you to create effective course outlines with transparent ...

Training Courses - West Midlands

TRAINING COURSES. A training course suitable for everyone. eServices are delighted to be able to provide a range of training courses at various skill levels.


請注意,處理個人資料時應遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定。有關詳情可瀏覽個人資料私隱專員公署網站: https://www.pcpd.org.hk/cindex.html。


ThetrainingisprovidedbyourcoreeServicesteamandincludesuseofApply/PayOnline,ePlans,DataSearch,accountcreationandmore.Youwillhavean ...,Withourwebservices,youcanbookandmanageyourtrainingcourseswithLufthansaAviationTraining,requestaccess,andviewoperationschedules.,TeacheruserscandefineTrainingNeedsine-ServicesPortalandsearchtrainingcoursesaccordingtotheirself-definedTrainingNeedsinT-surf24/7.T .....