esx vehicle
esx vehicle

Automode(everyonecanbuyvehiclesfromthedealer).Noneedtodownloadanotherresource.Playermanagement(thecardealerjob):billing,bossactions ...,CoreVehicle[ESX]·Createeveryvehiclepartandchangehandling·Changeableenginesound·Exclusiveparts·ManualTransmitio...



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Auto mode (everyone can buy vehicles from the dealer). No need to download another resource. Player management (the car dealer job): billing, boss actions ...

Core Vehicle [ESX]

Core Vehicle [ESX] · Create every vehicle part and change handling · Changeable engine sound · Exclusive parts · Manual Transmition · Limit access for toolbox, ...


ESX Vehicle Shop adds an vehicle shop to the game, where employeed players can sell vehicles to other players. You can also disable the job part so any ...


This function gets an vehicle's properties. Returned Table Content¶. Child, Data Type, Explanation. model, number, The vehicle hash.


This function spawns an vehicle visible to everyone on the server. ... This is an async function because it awaits the vehicle model to be streamed, there is an ...


An Async function that Creates Server-Sided Vehicles, this allows them to be persistant and owned by the server, rather than Client.

[ESX] esx_vehicleshop

2021年3月14日 — I get this error @esx_vehicleshop/server/main.lua:216: attempt to call a nil value (field 'showNotification') when buying a vehicle from car ...

[FREE] [ESX] [LSRP] Vehicleshop

2023年4月20日 — Free ESX Vehicle Shop utilizing OX Library. It is meant to fully replace ESX Vehicleshop (as alternative). It is still sort of WIP, ...


Automode(everyonecanbuyvehiclesfromthedealer).Noneedtodownloadanotherresource.Playermanagement(thecardealerjob):billing,bossactions ...,CoreVehicle[ESX]·Createeveryvehiclepartandchangehandling·Changeableenginesound·Exclusiveparts·ManualTransmition·Limitaccessfortoolbox, ...,ESXVehicleShopaddsanvehicleshoptothegame,whereemployeedplayerscansellvehiclestootherplayers.Youcanalsodisablethejobpartso...