
Screencapturefullpagesorjustthepartsyouwant—withoutdistractingadsandsidebars.CustomizeyourclipsTakeascreenshotofawebpage,thenadd ...,螢幕截圖的部分則可選擇完整網頁,或去除廣告和選單做範圍指定。自訂您的擷取檔網頁截圖後可再加上螢光筆註記、文字或其...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Evernote Web Clipper

Screen capture full pages or just the parts you want—without distracting ads and sidebars. Customize your clips Take a screenshot of a web page, then add ...

Evernote Web Clipper

螢幕截圖的部分則可選擇完整網頁,或去除廣告和選單做範圍指定。 自訂您的擷取檔網頁截圖後可再加上螢光筆註記、文字或其他標記。使用Web Clipper 您就能 ...

Evernote should be able to take screenshots, like it did before.

Using the standard Windows screen clip Win+Shift+S will pop the clip onto your clipboard and you can paste that directly into a note. If you ...

Evernote screen capture shortcut brings up windows snipping tool ...

Use the Windows snipper (Win+Shift+S), capture the screen area and paste into a new note. If you wish, make the Windows screen capture directory ...

Take a screenshot WITHIN a note and add it to the note

Click take screenshot button on the editing toolbar · Note minimizes · Crosshair for screenshot taking appears (similar to when you make a new ...

Evernote for Android now blocks screenshots

Go to Chrome browser on this same phone, open an incognito tab and try to make a screenshot.

Web Clipper

Customize your website screenshots. Take a screenshot of a web page, then add highlights, text, and other annotations. With Web Clipper, you can make sure ...

Capture screenshots new Evernote

1. Open Quick note feature (Alt + Ctrl + H) 2. Activate screen capture (Alt + Ctrl + S) 3. Close the window with the snippet, then it become a new note.

Use Evernote Helper on desktop for quick notes and screenshots

Evernote Helper allows you to create quick notes or take screenshots on your desktop device even when Evernote is in the background.

Quick Notes and Capture Screen In Evernote

One of the easily overlooked features of Evernote is the ability to take quick notes and to capture your screen image.


Screencapturefullpagesorjustthepartsyouwant—withoutdistractingadsandsidebars.CustomizeyourclipsTakeascreenshotofawebpage,thenadd ...,螢幕截圖的部分則可選擇完整網頁,或去除廣告和選單做範圍指定。自訂您的擷取檔網頁截圖後可再加上螢光筆註記、文字或其他標記。使用WebClipper您就能 ...,UsingthestandardWindowsscreenclipWin+Shift+Swillpoptheclipontoyourclipboardandyoucanpastethatdirectlyintoanote.Ifyou ....
