Never Lose Excel Data Again

我希望能將使用VBA或PowerAutomate將SharePoints上的Excel檔案設定每周可以自動備份檔案(另存新檔)。我已嘗試了Excel自動存檔設定,再加上VBA程式定期 ...,BackupfilesinExcelusuallylocatedinDocumentsfolder.However,itstilldependsonthefolderyouchoosewhensavin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Excel 每周自動另存備份

我希望能將使用VBA或Power Automate將SharePoints上的Excel檔案設定每周可以自動備份檔案(另存新檔)。 我已嘗試了Excel自動存檔設定,再加上VBA程式定期 ...

Excel Auto Backup not working

Backup files in Excel usually located in Documents folder. However, it still depends on the folder you choose when saving the backup file.

在Microsoft Office 中儲存、備份及復原檔案

在Microsoft Office 中儲存、備份及復原檔案 請按CTRL+S 或選取[檔案> 儲存]。 提示: 您也可以選取[快速存取工具列] 上的[儲存 ]。 如果您是第一次儲存,您必須輸入檔案的名稱。

How to Automatically Save a Backup Copy of an Excel Workbook

Choose the Tools button, then General Options in the Save As dialog window. Check the box next to “Always create backup“; Click OK.

How to recover unsaved Excel file or restore its previous version

Learn how to use Excel backup features to retrieve an unsaved workbook or restore the previous version of an overwritten file.

How to recover an Excel file

This automatic backup feature gives you the option to restore the Excel file when you restart the program if it was not closed properly the last time.

Where are Excel backup files located?

Excel backup files are typically located in the same folder as the original Excel file, with the file extension .xlsx replaced by .xlsx.

How can I make a backup of an Excel

If you really need a backup you can use a 3rd party tool. Does that help?

How To Automatically Backup A Workbook With Microsoft Excel

How To Automatically Backup A Workbook With Microsoft Excel Have questions about Microsoft Office 365 and any of the products in Microsoft ...


我希望能將使用VBA或PowerAutomate將SharePoints上的Excel檔案設定每周可以自動備份檔案(另存新檔)。我已嘗試了Excel自動存檔設定,再加上VBA程式定期 ...,BackupfilesinExcelusuallylocatedinDocumentsfolder.However,itstilldependsonthefolderyouchoosewhensavingthebackupfile.,在MicrosoftOffice中儲存、備份及復原檔案請按CTRL+S或選取[檔案>儲存]。提示:您也可以選取[快速存取工具列]上的[儲存]。如果您是第一次儲存...