How To Remove Extensions in Google Chrome [Guide]



Ext.Window - Ext JS 3.4

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window (defaults to true).


一、关于Ext.window的隐藏(hide)和销毁(close)的问题. 在这两天的开发中我碰到这样一个问题,在第一次打开window时数据正常,但是第二次及以后打开时 ...

Ext.window.Window - Ext JS 4.2.0

The action to take when the close header tool is clicked: 'destroy' : remove the window from the DOM and destroy i...

The source code

* hide the button and disallow closing the window (defaults to true). *. By default, when close is requested by either clicking the close button in the header * ...

ExtJS 4: Intercepting a Window Closure

In a blog post I ran across recently, someone was trying to intercept the closure of a window via the “X” icon in the top right corner.

How to confirm Ext window close

It may sometimes be needed to ask the user if he really wants to close an Ext window. Naturally, we would use Message Box for this purpose.

EXTJS 4.2 disable close button on Ext.Window

Is there a way to disable the close button in the header of a window?. I know that if you define the window with: closable : false the button X is hidden.

EXTJS close a window

I have a Window. I'm having some issues with the default close button which is on the top-right hand corner of the window.

Class Ext.Window

True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and disallow closing the window (defaults to true). By ...

How to Disable the Close Button on Ext.Window in ExtJS 4.2

Learn how to effectively manage the close button functionality in ExtJS 4.2 by keeping it visible yet disabling it during specific ...


Truetodisplaythe'close'toolbuttonandallowtheusertoclosethewindow,falsetohidethebuttonanddisallowclosingthewindow(defaultstotrue).,一、关于Ext.window的隐藏(hide)和销毁(close)的问题.在这两天的开发中我碰到这样一个问题,在第一次打开window时数据正常,但是第二次及以后打开时 ...,Theactiontotakewhenthecloseheadertoolisclicked:'destroy':removethewindowfromtheDOManddestroyi...,*hidethebuttonanddisal...