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Ext.Window - Ext JS 3.4

A specialized panel intended for use as an application window. Windows are floated, resizable, and draggable by default.

extjs里面Ext.Window ,的window放一个URL从新跳转一个页面原创

这个问题描述了一个在使用ExtJS的Window组件时遇到的数据加载异常情况,特别是在窗口之间切换时。问题的核心在于,当一个新的Window被打开时,如果之前的一个 ...

Ext.window.Window - Ext JS 4.2.0

A specialized panel intended for use as an application window. Windows are floated, resizable, and draggable by default.

Ext JS Ext.Window autoLoad url render problem

Hi, I am novice in using Ext JS and facing a problem in the first example I am trying to execute from Manning's Ext JS In Action book.


一个指定的打算作为一个应用程序窗口的面板。默认窗口是浮动的,resizable, 并且draggable。窗口可以maximized来充满视口,恢复到他们以前的大小,并且能minimize。

extjs: frame in window

Clone using the web URL. Learn more about clone URLs. Clone this repository ... var winObj = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window',{. width:500,. height:300 ...

How to change url of Ext.window.Window in ExtJs

I want to change url of popup. If I use window.location to call struts2 action then it changes url of parent window instead of pop up window.

ExtJS: get current URL in ExtJS style

Using Extjs getWin method, location url can be fetched. There is no direct function to get the url. Ext.getWin().dom.location.href

How do I open a new browser window in Ext js

One of the cells contains a url to a web site. When I click on the cell I can get the url and I do a,name,features) but the ...

ExtJs 里面Ext.Window ,的window怎么放一个URL

Ext.window一般是类似Ext.viewport样的是可以放formpanel,grid等这些都是在同一个页面中,只是有js生成。如果你要求window里面放一个url 链接到另一个页面 ...


Aspecializedpanelintendedforuseasanapplicationwindow.Windowsarefloated,resizable,anddraggablebydefault.,这个问题描述了一个在使用ExtJS的Window组件时遇到的数据加载异常情况,特别是在窗口之间切换时。问题的核心在于,当一个新的Window被打开时,如果之前的一个 ...,Aspecializedpanelintendedforuseasanapplicationwindow.Windowsarefloated,resizable,anddraggablebydefault.,Hi,IamnoviceinusingExtJSandfacingapr...