Erasing Drives with the Mac Terminal

Ifyouhavethediscardmountoption,itwillblockeverytimeyoudeleteafile,andthusfiledeletionwilltakefarlonger.Sothatis ...,ItwillslowdownyourdriveasTRIMisappliedconstantly.Abetteroptionwouldbetouse`fstrim`periodically--Iuseitwithasystemdtimer.,HowamIabl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[SOLVED] ext4 discard option not working (fstrim=non

If you have the discard mount option, it will block every time you delete a file, and thus file deletion will take far longer. So that is ...

[SOLVED] whether should I turn on “discard” option for ext4 in LVM ...

It will slow down your drive as TRIM is applied constantly. A better option would be to use `fstrim` periodically -- I use it with a systemd timer.

How to remove mount discard option for my mount system ls1021a

How am I able to remove the discard option from the linux build so that the image I am going to boot will not show this discard ? /dev/mmcblk0p5 ...

Chapter 24. Discarding unused blocks

When mounting a file system manually, add the -o discard mount option: # mount -o discard device mount-point. mount -o discard device mount-point. Copy. Copied ...

Mounting with discard option

The purpose is to allow usage of the TRIM command, which allows SSD garbage collection to better wear-level the flash memory, lengthening the life of the chips.

Cannot remove mount option discard on an ext4 file system

I tried to turn off TRIM (discard) on my ext4 filesystem, but I did not succeed. I tried to add nodiscard option into /etc/fstab , but I can still see this.

fstrim vs. mount -o discard

Running fstrim on mounted ext4 filesystems yields massive amounts of trimmed space even when these filesystems are mounted with the discard option.

Is mounting with discard needed for TRIM?

If the filesystem is mounted with discard, then deleting files will automatically cause the TRIM command to be issued. This often has a negative performance ...

Is discard=async a supported fstab mount option for Ext4 ...

discard=async will wait until a later time. These options are old and should only be used with older hardware. The preferred option for newer ...

ext4 with discard and fstrim : rlinux

I have discard enabled, but yet fstrim -v tells me it had trimmed some amount of data, which seems to be proportional to the amount of files deleted.


Ifyouhavethediscardmountoption,itwillblockeverytimeyoudeleteafile,andthusfiledeletionwilltakefarlonger.Sothatis ...,ItwillslowdownyourdriveasTRIMisappliedconstantly.Abetteroptionwouldbetouse`fstrim`periodically--Iuseitwithasystemdtimer.,HowamIabletoremovethediscardoptionfromthelinuxbuildsothattheimageIamgoingtobootwillnotshowthisdiscard?/dev/mmcblk0p5 ...,Whenmountingafilesystemmanually,addthe...