
SD, ext4 and journaling

I want to use a SD card formatted with ext4 and mount it as /home/user/data. I ask if is better disabling journaling to preserve SD.

ext4 without journal? Kernel & Hardware Arch Linux Forums

It is now possible to create and run ext4 filesystems without a journal. One loses the benefits of journaling, obviously, but there is a notable increase in ...

EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p6): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts

Am facing the above warnings am using EMMC in custom board & have created the partitions, Could you please kindly help me out how the above warnings can be ...

Ext4 or F2FS file system for SSD & how to disable journaling on Ext4

Well, to disable journaling on ext4, there are 2 ways. One is to diable it when you create the filesystem, the other ...                

Can't mount ext4 SSD: `JBD

You would just need to make sure, without mounting I believe, that you run it on X (the SSD) and each partition (only do EXT4 partitions).

mounted filesystem without journal. Opts

I am using Beaglebone black with NFS, I have formatted internal eMMC with ext4 filesystem, when i mount the file system using following command message popups ...

How to keep the kernel from accessing the journal on an ext4 ...

By passing -o norecovery to mount , you could mount the filesystem without making use of the journal at all. Man page for mount, ...

Minimalistic ext4 filesystem without journal and other advanced ...

The most minimalistic ext4 filesystem without journal is an ext2 filesystem. An ext4 filesystem driver can also mount and fully access an ext2 filesystem.

Ext4: Is it possible to use ext4fs without journal?

Yes, you can - you can disable it at mkfs time with > mkfs.ext4 -O ^has_journal or after you run mkfs.ext4, you can disable the journal with ...

Mounting Ext4 with no journaling

Try mounting the filesystem in read only mode. Error shot #1 - Is meaningless- Its the generic 'It failed' message. The last screen shot ...


IwanttouseaSDcardformattedwithext4andmountitas/home/user/data.IaskifisbetterdisablingjournalingtopreserveSD.,Itisnowpossibletocreateandrunext4filesystemswithoutajournal.Onelosesthebenefitsofjournaling,obviously,butthereisanotableincreasein ...,AmfacingtheabovewarningsamusingEMMCincustomboard&havecreatedthepartitions,Couldyoupleasekindlyhelpmeouthowtheabovewarningscanbe ...,Well,todisablejo...