The eye-box is the volume of space within which an effectively viewable image is formed by a lens system or visual display, representing a combination of exit ...
EyeBOX® is FDA-cleared to aid specifically in the diagnosis of concussion by measuring abnormalities in eye-movements. It's baseline-free, non-invasive, and ...
1(b), eyebox is defined as the physical movement range in X, Y direction with eye at a certain position in Z direction, within which the image quality is still.
由 SA Cholewiak 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 23 次 — The perceptual eyebox is the volume where the eye(s) must be located for the user to experience a visual percept falling within a perceptually-defined criterion ...
EyeBox is a medical device, manufactured by Oculogica, that tracks your eye movements to help determine if you have a concussion. Following a brain injury, ...
It is a 5-minute exam that uses over 200,000 data points by an algorithm based on the cranial nerve's control over eye movements. When these nerves are impacted ...