How to Use Font Awesome Icons in Bootstrap

FontAwesomeistheworld'stopiconlibrarywith1500+iconsinfontandSVGformats,fullycompatiblewiththeBootstrapadmintemplate, ...,We'vecookedupsomeexamplesofhowyoucouldusethe“bootstrap”iconinyourprojects,whetherthey'reapps,interfaces,orprintdesigns.,Theco...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Bootstrap 5 Font Awesome | Docs & Examples

Font Awesome is the world's top icon library with 1500+ icons in font and SVG formats, fully compatible with the Bootstrap admin template, ...

Bootstrap Icon

We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “bootstrap” icon in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs.

Font Awesome Icons

The complete set of 675 icons in Font Awesome 4.7.0. 41 New Icons in 4.7. Example of address-book. Example of address-book-o. Example of address-card.

Icons · Bootstrap v4.6

While you won't find a built-in icon library in Bootstrap, our separate Bootstrap Icons projects is a growing set of open source SVGs you can use.


Guidance and suggestions for using external icon libraries with Bootstrap.


Download the SVG to use or edit. Download SVG Icon font Using the web font? Copy, paste, and go. <i class=bi bi-facebook></i>


Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Icons - free examples & tutorial

You can place icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix fa and the icon's name. Icons are designed to be used with inline elements.

Font Awesome Web Application Icons

Web Application Icons. The table below shows all Font Awesome Web Application icons.

Icons from Font Awesome, Bootstrap and Google

Font Awesome 5 Intro Icons, Accessibility Icons, Alert Icons, Animals Icons, Arrows Icons, Audio & Video Icons, Automotive Icons, Autumn Icons, Beverage Icons, ...


FontAwesomeistheworld'stopiconlibrarywith1500+iconsinfontandSVGformats,fullycompatiblewiththeBootstrapadmintemplate, ...,We'vecookedupsomeexamplesofhowyoucouldusethe“bootstrap”iconinyourprojects,whetherthey'reapps,interfaces,orprintdesigns.,Thecompletesetof675iconsinFontAwesome4.7.0.41NewIconsin4.7.Exampleofaddress-book.Exampleofaddress-book-o.Exampleofaddress-card.,Whileyouwon'tfindabuilt-ini...