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facebook ad insight


Facebook Audience Insights


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4 Key Facebook Audience Insights Tips + Tricks

Click here for an overview of the Facebook audience insights tool, including updates and 4 helpful tips on building better audiences.

Ad Account, Insights - Meta for Developers

Provides insights on your advertising performance. Allows for deduped metrics across child objects, such as unique_clicks , sorting of metrics, and async ...

Audience Insights

Facebook Audience Insights gives you aggregate information about two groups of people—people connected to your Page and people on Facebook—so you can create ...

Facebook Audience Insights

Audience Insights allows you to create lookalike audiences based on your existing customer data. This is like finding a new batch of treasure on the same map.

How to Use Facebook Audience Insights

2023年4月25日 — Tapping into the Facebook audience insights tool takes it a step further by showing your current audience and zeroing in on your target ...

How to Use Facebook Audience Insights for Cost

2024年2月12日 — Digging into Facebook audience insights can help you better target your Facebook ads and get better results from your ad spend.

Insights API - Marketing API - Meta for Developers

Insights API. Provides a single, consistent interface to retrieve ad statistics. Breakdowns - Group results; Action Breakdowns - Understanding the response ...

Meta for Business

Audience Insights is different from Page Insights because it looks at trends about your current or potential customers across Facebook, whereas Page Insights ...

洞察報告- 行銷API

洞察報告. 您可以使用活用型廣告創意、版位素材客製化和族群素材客製化來讀取廣告組合和廣告物件的洞察報告。 在廣告管理員中,您可以檢視資產層級資料解析。


ClickhereforanoverviewoftheFacebookaudienceinsightstool,includingupdatesand4helpfultipsonbuildingbetteraudiences.,Providesinsightsonyouradvertisingperformance.Allowsfordedupedmetricsacrosschildobjects,suchasunique_clicks,sortingofmetrics,andasync ...,FacebookAudienceInsightsgivesyouaggregateinformationabouttwogroupsofpeople—peopleconnectedtoyourPageandpeopleonFacebook—soyoucancreate ...,Audien...