
Facebook analytics

Learn how Facebook analytics can help you track performance, identify top content, and connect more with your audience. benefits of Facebook analytics · key Facebook analytics... · How to track Facebook...

Facebook Analytics for Apps

Today we're releasing Facebook Analytics for Apps, a free tool that brings the power of Facebook demographics to cross-device analysis and measurement.

Improved Analytics for Websites, Applications, and Pages

To provide you with even better metrics for your Facebook applications, websites, and Pages, we recently launched an improved Insights dashboard.

Facebook Analytics

Learn how to implement App Events for Facebook Analytics with an overview, demo and FAQs.

Facebook Analytics Guide 2024

Facebook Analytics is the updated social media reporting tool that groups together all your Facebook pages, pixels, and apps to give you a complete picture.

Facebook Analytics: A Guide to Facebook Insights

Facebook audience insights metrics include followers, language, age and gender and location. You can view locations by top cities and countries.

See Page Insights on Facebook

To see insights about your Page: Tap Menu in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap Options, then select the Page you want to switch into. Tap your Page's profile picture. Tap Professional dashboard. Below Performance,

Facebook Analytics is No Longer Available

The standalone Facebook Analytics tool is no longer available as of July 1, 2021. This does not affect the Insights sections of Facebook Pages and Instagram ...

Facebook Analytics for websites it's a goldmine. Don't ignore it!

Using Facebook Analytics for websites, you have access to important data about your traffic, actions on site, events. revenue and demographics.

How to Use Facebook Analytics for Your Website

In this article, you'll discover how to install and use Facebook Analytics to reveal data about the Facebook users who visit your website.

