
Facebook Privacy Checkup

Check back over the coming months. See less. Some settings in Privacy Checkup can only be managed from your main profile, which is the first profile you ...

How do I check into a nearby location on Facebook?

Updated mobile browser experience · 1. Scroll to the top of your Feed and tap What's on your mind? · 2. Tap Add location. · 3. Tap Search and search for a ...

Manage check

To let people check in at your business on a Page you manage, go to the About section of your Page.

Start Security Checkup

We'll take you through some steps to help protect your account. Turn on login alerts. Review your password. Turn on two-factor authentication. Continue.

The Value of a Facebook Check-In

To start, Facebook Check-Ins provide all the information a potential customer would look for – your location, ratings, and a link to your Facebook page for more ...


分享偵錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放社交關係圖標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。

如何查看Facebook專頁彊屍粉假Like (How to Check Facebook ...

2018年2月25日 — [怎樣查看Facebook 專頁裡的Like是否來自彊屍粉/ 假粉] · 去 www.fblikecheck.com · [[ 輸入]] 你想查看的[[ Facebook Page ID ]]. · 查看結果 ...

尋找您的Facebook 活動紀錄

更新版行動瀏覽器體驗 ... 1. 點按Facebook 右上方的 ,然後點按您的姓名。 2. 點按大頭貼照下方的 ,然後點按 活動紀錄。 3. 點按底部的查看活動紀錄。 4. 點按篩選條件。


2018年6月19日 — 臉書上的「打卡」(check in,名詞check-in),是個能讓你的臉書朋友知道你現在身處何處的功能,你只要在所處地方打開臉書打卡,臉書上就會顯示出你的 ...


Checkbackoverthecomingmonths.Seeless.SomesettingsinPrivacyCheckupcanonlybemanagedfromyourmainprofile,whichisthefirstprofileyou ...,Updatedmobilebrowserexperience·1.ScrolltothetopofyourFeedandtapWhat'sonyourmind?·2.TapAddlocation.·3.TapSearchandsearchfora ...,ToletpeoplecheckinatyourbusinessonaPageyoumanage,gototheAboutsectionofyourPage.,We'lltakeyouthroughsomestepstohelpprotectyouraccount.Turn...