Facebook API Debugging Access Tokens

APIs·InstantGames·Help.AccessTokenDebugger.QuickLink:AccessTokenDebugger...FacebookforDevelopers...FacebookFollowusonInstagramFollowuson ...,TheDebugFacebookGraphAPIRequestsguideexplainshowtousetheGraphAPIExplorertoolandtheGraphAPIDebugModetoexpl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Access Token Debugger

APIs · Instant Games · Help. Access Token Debugger. Quick Link: Access Token Debugger ... Facebook for Developers ... Facebook Follow us on Instagram Follow us on ...

Debug Requests - Graph API - Meta for Developers

The Debug Facebook Graph API Requests guide explains how to use the Graph API Explorer tool and the Graph API Debug Mode to explain potential issues with ...

Debug Token - Graph API - Meta for Developers

This endpoint returns metadata about a given access token. This includes data such as the user for which the token was issued, whether the token is still valid, ...

Debugging & Errors - Facebook Login

To get this information you can use our debug tool, or you can use the API endpoint. To use the API, you can issue a Graph API request: curl -i -X GET https:// ...

Developer Tools - Meta for Developers

Test, create, and authenticate API calls and debug responses. Sharing Debugger ... Preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook. Access Token ...

Graph API Reference v19.0

App ad related information to help debugging. Example. HTTP PHP SDK JavaScript SDK Android SDK iOS SDK Graph API Explorer.

Is there an API to force Facebook to scrape a page again?

2012年8月23日 — I'm the author of Facebook Object Debugger CLI, a command-line interface written in PHP, aim to refresh the Facebook cache for a single URL ...

Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers

Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.


偵錯要求. Graph API 偵錯模式. 啟用偵錯模式後,Graph API 回應可能包含其他欄位,以說明要求的潛在問題。 如要啟用偵錯模式,請使用 debug 查詢字串參數。例如:.


APIs·InstantGames·Help.AccessTokenDebugger.QuickLink:AccessTokenDebugger...FacebookforDevelopers...FacebookFollowusonInstagramFollowuson ...,TheDebugFacebookGraphAPIRequestsguideexplainshowtousetheGraphAPIExplorertoolandtheGraphAPIDebugModetoexplainpotentialissueswith ...,Thisendpointreturnsmetadataaboutagivenaccesstoken.Thisincludesdatasuchastheuserforwhichthetokenwasissued,whetherthetokeniss...


